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Vermilion CC (MN)
Virginia (2)
VMI (2)
Virginia Tech (2)

Hail Crusaders! Who rise to glory,
Our challenge has been hurled.
Team Victorious, our colors glorious
Are known throughout the world,
Valparaiso, we're here to back you,
Our cheers like thunder roar.
See our school, our team,
See our colors gleam.
Let's fight for the Brown and Gold.
Dynamite, dynamite,
when Vandy starts to fight.
Down the field with blood to yield
if need be save the shield.
If victory's won when battle's done,
then Vandy's name will rise in fame.
Win or lose the fates will choose,
but Vandy's game will be the same.
Dynamite, dynamite,
when Vandy starts to fight!
V...A...N...D...Y...Vandy, Vandy, Go, Go, Go!
Vermilion CC (MN)
Roll up the score, Vermilion
With colors high
We'll fight to win this game
To keep our dear old valiant name
The blue and gold tonight
Onward will fight
Our Vermilion team will
Score a victory, score a victory, yeah!
"Vermont Victorious"
High o'er the waters of Lake Champlain
Was the Green and Gold
The emblem aspiring to wond'rous fame
In all tradition told
Now we remain to uphold
The name of Vemont strong and true
So to keep all things we love at U.V.M.
Is up to each of you.
Let's fight for Vermont,
Let's fight for Vermont,
For our Alma Mater dear,
Let's fight for Vermont,
Let's fight for Vermont,
Whose sons have ne'er known fear
We will tear up our mighty rivals
And pile up score on score.
Come boys let's fight, fight, fight for old Vermont
For Vemont ever more.
"V for Villanova"
"V" for Villanova
"V" for Victory
"B" for Blue and "Double-U" for White
For the Blue and White, we will fight, fight, fight, fight!
Fight! for VILLANOVA! Fight for Victory!
VILLANOVA lead the way
With a capital "V" for Victory!
"V" for Vic-to-ry! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!
"The Cavalier Song"
(Played after a touchdown)
Come and sing dear old Virginia's name
And make the Blue Ridge roar
For the world yields honor to her name
Who knew her deads yore
Then make each heart a flowing bowl
And pour our pledges strong
As down the ages still we roll
Virginia's triumph song
Once more our might has won the fight
We gain the victor's due
And all men raise their voice to praise
The orange and blue
So, through the years, like Cavaliers
We'll shout Virginia's name
It e'er shall be on land and sea
A sign of might and fame.
"The Good Old Song"
(Played after the PAT)
The Good Old Song of Wahoo Wah!
We'll sing it O'er and O'er!
It cheers our hearts and warms our blood
To hear them shout and roar.
We come from Old Vir-Gin-I-A,
Where all is bright and gay.
Let's all join hands and give a yell
For dear old U-V-A!
Wahoowa, Wahoowa
Hoo ra ray
Hoo ra ray
Ray ray
"VMI Spirit"
Oh, Clear the way, VMI is out today,
We're here to win this game;
Our team will bring us fame,
In Alma Mater's name.
For though the odds be against us we'll not care.
You'll see us fight the same,
Always the same old Spirit,
And we'll triumph once again;
And though defeat seems certain, it's the same with VMI.
Our battle cry is Never Never Die.
For when our line starts to weaken, our backs fail to gain,
Our ends are so crippled, to win seems in vain;
The Corps roots the loudest, we'll yet win the day,
The team it will rally and fight -- fight -- fight! RAY!
We'll gain through the line and we'll circle the end,
Old Red White and Yellow will triumph again;
The Keydets will fight 'em and never say die,
That's the Spirit of VMI.
"The Tribute"
See the Corps in grey and the team in red,
VMI will be heard from today.
Let "The Spirit" blend with the cheers we send,
In the tribute we proudly pay.
For the glory, the fame and the pride of VMI.
That red, white and yellow will ever be on high
May the men who strive to uphold her name
Lead the Keydet charge to set the field aflame,
Though the foe may be stronger, they'll hear our battle cry.
The "WAHOOS" and "GOBBLERS" will see the squadron fly,
They will fear it, the spirit, the will to win or die,
For the V...M...I!
Virginia Tech
"Tech Triumph"
Techmen, we're Techmen, with spirit true and faithful,
Backing up our team with hopes undying;
Techmen, Oh, Techmen, we're out to win today,
Showing "pep" and life with which we're trying;
V. P., old V. P. You know our hearts are with you,
In our luck which never seems to die;
Win or lose we'll greet you with a glad returning,
You're the pride of V. P. I.
Just watch our men so big and active,
Support the Orange and Maroon,
Let's go, Techs! We know our ends and backs are stronger,
With winning hopes, we fear defeat no longer,
To see our team plow through the line, boys,
Determined now to win or die;
So give a Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hi!
Rae, Ri, old V. P. I.
Fight men, Oh, fight men! we're going to be champions,
Adding to our list another vict'ry;
Football or baseball, the games in which we star,
They're the sports that made old V. P. famous.
Hold them, just hold them! Your know the corps' behind you,
Watching ev'ry movement that you make;
Winning games was nothing for our teams before us,
Keep the "rep" for V. P's. sake.
"VPI Victory March"
You have seen the Hoyas tumble,
You have made the Indians cry,
And you know the Army mule
Once took a kick at V. P. I.
Worthy teams from Lexington
Have fought with all their might;
But now it's time to show the world
That VPI can fight.
H! O! K! I! E! S!
Clear the way, so that team from Tech
Can roll to Victory!
No foe can stand the test,
So fight your best, and we will do the rest.
Strength and speed keep you in the lead;
You'll never go astray.
Our banner high shall ever fly
For victory is ours today.