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Kansas State
Kearney State
Kent State
Kentucky Wesleyan
Kilgore College
Knox (2)

"All Hail to Kazoo"
All hail to Kazoo all hail --
To our school we will e'er be true
Let us make the air resound
Let our hearts with joy abound
As we give a cheer to old Kazoo.
The scene of our college days,
We ever would sing her praise:
So with voices clear
And with rousing cheer
A song to Kazoo, we raise
Kalamazoo we hail thee!
Faithful to thee we'll be
Though we may wander far and wide,
Our hearts will be bound to thee.
Firm are the ties that hold us
Loyal to thee and true,
So let us give together the cheer,
Rah! Rah! Kazoo!
"I'm a Jayhawk"
Talk about the Sooners, the Cowboys and the Buffs,
Talk about the Tiger and his tail,
Talk about the Wildcat, and those Cornhuskin' boys,
But I'm the bird to make 'em weep and wail.
'Cause I'm a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk
Up at Lawrence on the Kaw
'Cause I'm a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk
With a sis-boom, hip hoorah.
Got a bill that's big enough to twist the Tiger's tail.
Husk some corn and listen to the Cornhusker's wail.
'Cause I'm a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk,
Riding on a Kansas Gale.
Kansas State
"Wildcat Victory"
Fight, you K-State Wildcats,
For alma mater fight! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
Glory in the combat
For the purple and the white.
Faithful to our colors
We shall ever be
Fighting, ever fighting
For a Wildcat victory. Go State!
Kearney State
"K.S.C. Fight Song"
Come on and fight K.S.C.
Come on and fight for victory
Keep up your fighting spirit.
We'll always cheer it
That's what we're here for.
Fight for the blue and gold.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Cheer for the blue and gold and
As together we stand, proud
Of the best in the land.
Fight for the blue and gold.
Kent State
Fight on For KSU
Fight! for the blue and gold.
We're out to beat the foe,
Fight on brave and gold.
Fight on to victory,
Don't stop until we're through.
We're all together,
Let's go foward KSU!
"On, On, U of K"
On, On, U of K.
We are right for the fight today.
Hold that ball and hit that line;
Every Wildcat star will shine.
We'll fight, fight, fight
For the blue and white,
As we roll to that goal, varsity.
And we'll kick, pass and run
'Till the battle is won,
And we'll bring home the victory.
Kentucky Wesleyan
Fight ye Panthers for Old Wesleyan
For the purple and the white.
Fight til every foe is vanquished
Fight for victory and right.
Fight, fight, fight!
Play the game with might and valor
May success your efforts bless.
With our team we stand united
For the college we love best!
Kilgore College
We're all fighting RANGERS, ready to fight for the victory!
Fighting pals, blocking pals, passing pals, running pals, in rain or sunshine.
Fighting for honor, brave, fair, and true.
Fighting for the Gray and Blue, fighting for the school.
"Hail! Knox All Glorius"
Hail, Knox all glorious
Unto thee we sing.
Ever victorious,
Homage we bring.
Through all the ages
All thy sons so bold
Fight for old Knox, Knox, Knox!
Fight for the Purple and the Gold.
Cheer Knox's team to victory,
Shouting her loyal praise.
Sing all you loyal coeds--
A battle hymn we raise --
K-N-O-X, rah!
We're here to back the winner;
Our team has got the stuff;
We hear the Gold and Purple
For Knox men that is enough.
We'll smash 'em, we'lll bust 'em
We'll fox 'em, we'll win.
Let's give 'em the axe boys,
We'll never give in,
Cheer Knox's team on
We'll show them some vim.
Let's give a zip-rah!
Let's go Knox, jump in!
"Fight, Siwash"
Fight, ye men of Siwash
We'll fight for Siwash
We'll win for Siwash
Fight on ye warriors of Siwash
For the pride of dear old Knox Siwash
For the pride of dear old Knox
Smash 'em men and bust 'em
Fox 'em men you've fussed em,
Fight on ye warriors of Siwash
Show that push and vim of Knox, old Knox
And the pep that nothing blocks.