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Pacific Lutheran
Penn State
Pittsburg State
Pittsburgh (2)
Polytechnic (Brooklyn)
Portland State
Prairie View A & M
Puget Sound

Come on you hungry Tigers
Fight, Fight, Fight
Let's win the game you Tigers
Fight, Fight, Fight
See the Tigers breaking through
After goals we'll get them too
Fighting for UOP, we're after victory
So hail, oh hail the Orange and Black
See those banners gleam
We'll shout for fame, cause we'll win the game
Pacific Lutheran
PLC your students hail thee
As queen of all the land
Where students are all carefree
And for thine honor stand
May the light be ever glorious
And always to the end
Reign o'er all victorious
Our alma mater friend.
Come join our band
We'll give a cheer for PLC
Down through the years
We'll sing our song of victory
Pacific for you
Each loyal comrade, brave and true
With might and main
Sing this refrain
Forever and forever PLC.
Penn State
"Fight on State"
Fight on State, Fight on State,
Strike your gait and win,
Victory we predict for thee,
We're ever true to you, dear old White and Blue.
Onward State, Onward State
Roar Lions roar,
We'll hit that line, roll up the score,
Fight on to victory evermore,
Fight on, on
On, on, on!
Fight on, on,
Penn State!
"Fight on, Pennsylvania"
Fight on, Pennsylvania, put the ball across that line.
Fight, you Pennsylvanians, there it goes across this time.
Red and blue we're with you
And we're cheering for your men.
So it's fight, fight, fight, Pennsylvan-I-a,
Fight on for Penn!
Pittsburg State
"On To Victory"
Pittsburg State team--fight for your college--
Come and join the fray,
Pass that ball around for a touchdown
And we'll win this game today,
Fight! Fight! Fight! for glory and fame
Because our spirit is so great,
And when the game is over
We'll shout the whole world over
"Pittsburg State!"
"Pitt Victory Song"
Fight on for dear old Pittsburgh
And for the glory of the game
Show our worthy foe that the Panther's on the go
Pitt must win today! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Cheer loyal sons of Pittsburgh
Cheer on to victory and fame
For the Blue and Gold shall conquer as of old
So fight, Pitt, fight!
Da da da da da-da Fight, Pitt, fight!
Da da da da da-da Fight, Pitt, fight!
"Hail to Pitt"
Hail to Pitt, Hail to Pitt, every loyal son
Hail to Pitt, Hail to Pitt, till the victory's won
The Gold and Blue shall wave forever
On high thro' fair and stormy weather
We'll sing her praises far and wide until the end of time
Hoop hurray, Hoop hurray for dear old uni..
We'll wave and cheer for many a year
And sing her songs out loud and clear
For our University.
Polytechnic (Brooklyn)
"Marching Song"
Hail to our Poly!
Great is thy name;
We're ever striving
To bring thee fame.
We'll work together,
We'll never fail,
To keep thee in the forefront;
Poly, All Hail!
Portland State
Fight, fight, fight for Portland State,
On to victory,
Fight, fight, fight for Portland State,
Mighty men are we,
On, oh, Viking, down the field,
Score and win the game,
Let them know we never die,
We cheer for Viking Fame.
Prairie View A & M
"Mighty Panthers"
We're the Mighty Panthers
We are Panthers until we die
We're Mighty Mighty Panthers
And I'll tell you that ain't no lie
We're the Marching Panthers
We are Panthers until we die
We're Mighty Marching Panthers,
And I'll tell you that ain't no lie
"The Princeton Cannon"
In Princeton town we've got a team
That knows the way to play.
With Princeton spirit back of them,
They're sure to win the day.
With cheers and song we'll rally 'round
The cannon as of yore,
And Nassau's walls will echo with
The Princeton Tiger's roar:
(And then we'll) crash through that line of blue,
And send the back on 'round the end!
Fight, fight for ev'ry yard,
Princeton's honor to defend.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Rah! Tiger sis boom bah!
And locomotives by the score!
For we'll fight with a vim
That is dead sure to win,
For Old Nassau.
Puget Sound
Fight, Fight, Fight for UPS, boys,
Fight, fight, fight for Puget Sound
Pull together,
Courage ever,
On to victory bound.
Fight, fight, fight for UPS, boys,
Let your colors fly.
Rah, rah, we are the best.
Triumphant to the test.
UPS, let's do or die.
"Hail Purdue"
To Your Call Once More We Rally;
Alma Mater Hear Our Praise;
Where The Wabash Spreads Its Valley;
Filled With Joy Our Voices Raise.
From The Skies In Swelling Echoes
Come The Cheers That Tell The Tale
Of Your Vict'ries And Your Heroes,
Hail Purdue! We Sing All Hail!
Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
All Hail To Our Old Gold And Black!
Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
Our Friendship May She Never Lack.
Ever Grateful, Ever True,
Thus We Raise Our Song Anew
Of The Days We've Spent With You,
All Hail Our Own Purdue!