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Ohio Northern
Ohio State (2)
Oklahoma (2)
Oklahoma State (2)
Old Dominion
Ole Miss
Oral Roberts
Oregon State

"Stand Up and Cheer"
Stand up and Cheer
Cheer loud and long for old Ohio
For today we raise The Green and White above the rest
Our boys are fighting
And they are bound to win the fray
We got the team (rah-rah)
We got the steam (rah-rah)
For this is old Ohio's day.
Ohio Northern
"Friends of Old ONU"
Friends of old ONU, dear ONU, arise
Protect your college flag, unfurl it to the skies
We'll be your loyal ones, faithful and true
We'll fight with might to gain the right for ONU
O hail to thee, Ohio Northern
O hail to thee, Ohio Northern
O hail Northern, O hail Northern
O hail to thee our dear old ONU!
Ohio State
"Across the Field"
Fight the team across the field
Show them Ohio's here,
Set the earth reverberating
With a mighty cheer,
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Hit them hard and see how they fall,
Never let that team get the ball,
Hail, hail, the gang's all here,
So let's win that old conference now.
"Buckeye Battle Cry"
In old Ohio there's a team
That's known throughout the land
Eleven warriors brave and bold,
Whose fame will ever stand.
And when the ball goes over,
Our cheers will reach the sky,
Ohio Field will hear again
The Buckeye Battle Cry!
Drive, Drive on down the field,
Men of the scarlet and gray;
Don't let them through that line,
We've got to win this game today,
Smash through to victory,
We cheer you as we go!
Our honor defend we will fight to the end
for OHIO!
"Boomer Sooner"
(Main fight song)
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner,
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner,
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner,
Boomer Sooner, O-K-U!
Oklahoma, Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, O-K-U!
I'm a Sooner born
And a Sooner bred,
And when I die
I'll be Sooner dead.
Rah, Oklahoma! Rah, Oklahoma!
Rah, Oklahoma! O-K-U!
(Played after a PAT)
We march down the field with our heads held high
Determined to win every battle we're in
We'll fight with all our might for the red and white
March on march on down the field for the victory is nigh
You know we came to win this game for Oklahoma
And we will or know the reason why!
Oklahoma State
"Waving Song"
(Played after a touchdown)
Oklahoma State! Oklahoma State!
We'll sing your praise tonight;
To let you know, wheree'er we go,
For the orange and black we'll fight.
We'll sing you worth o'er all the earth
And shout: KI! YI! KI! YE!
In books of fame we'll write your name
Oklahoma State!
"Ride 'em Cowboys"
(Played after the PAT)
Ride 'em Cowboys, ee-yah!
Ride 'em Cowboys, ee-yah!
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride 'em Cowboys, down the field
Fight, fight, fight, fight
Fight 'em Cowboys, and never yield
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride on Cowboys to victory,
Cross (Opponent's) goal,
Then we'll sing.
Oklahoma State!
Old Dominion
"ODU Fight Song"
Fight Old Dominion, Your courage roars!
Fight Old Dominion, Your valor soars!
Blue and silver worn with pride.
We've got the spirit here on our side!
Hail Old Dominion. Your courage roars!
Hail Old Dominion. Your valor soars!
Old Dominion - GO BIG BLUE!
Our victory lives on in You!
Ole Miss
Forward, Rebels, march to fame,
Hit that line and win this game
We know that you'll fight it through,
For your colors red and blue.
Rah, rah, rah!
Rebels you are the Southland's pride,
Take that ball and hit your stride,
Don't stop till the victory's won
for your Ole Miss.
Fight, fight for your Ole Miss!
Oral Roberts
"Spirit Song"
Oh, O-R-U,
Oh, O-R-U,
Oh, O-R-University!
Holy Spirit blessed,
Seeking out the best,
Of the human trinity.
Oh, O-R-U,
Oh, O-R-U,
Ordained by holy destiny!
May your torch still burn,
At the Lord's return,
And count for eternity!
"Mighty Oregon"
Oregon, our Alma Mater
We will guard thee on and on
Let us gather round and cheer her
Chant her glory Oregon
Roar the praises of her warriors
Sing the story Oregon
On to victory urge the heroes
Of our mighty Oregon!
Go Ducks Go!
Fight Ducks Fight!
Win Ducks Win!
Oregon State
"Hail to Old OSU"
OSU, our hats are off to you
Beavers, Beavers, fighters through and through
We'll root for every man, we'll cheer for every stand
That's made for old OSU.
Watch our team go tearing down the field
Men of iron, their strength will never yield.
Hail, hail, hail, hail
Hail to old OSU.