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Idaho State
Illinois (2)
Illinois State
Illinois Wesleyan
Indiana (2)
Indiana State
Indiana University (PA)
Iowa (2)
Iowa State

"Go, Vandals, Go"
Came a tribe from the North, brave and bold
Bearing banners of Silver and Gold
Tried and true, to subdue all their foes
Vandals! Vandals!
Come on and go, Vandals, go
Fight on with hearts true and bold
Foes will fall before your Silver and your Gold (U of I!)
The victory cannot be withheld from thee
So all bear down for Idaho
Come on ol' Vandals go!
I - D - A - H - O
Idaho, Idaho, go - go - go!
The victory cannot be withheld from thee
So all bear down for Idaho
Come on ol' Vandals--
Came a tribe from the North, brave and bold (Let's go!)
Idaho State
"Growl, Bengals, Growl!"
Growl, Bengals, Growl!
Fight, Bengals, Fight!
Gnash your teeth and bare your claws
And fight with all your might!
March onto the field;
They will surely yield!
Bring a victory home to us
You Bengals of Idaho State!
"Illinois Loyalty"
We're loyal to you Illinois,
We're "Orange and Blue," Illinois,
We'll back you so stand
'Gainst the best in the land,
For we know you have sand, Illinois,
Rah! Rah!
So crack out that ball Illinois,
We're backing you all Illinois;
Our team is our fame protector,
On! boys, for we expect a vict'ry from you Illinois!
Che-he! Che-ha! Che-ha-ha-ha!
Go Illini go!
Che-he! Che-ha! Che-ha-ha-ha!
Go Illini go!
Illinois! Illinois! Illinois!
Fling out that dear old flag of Orange and Blue,
Lead on your sons and daughters, fighting for you;
Like men of old, on giants placing reliance, shouting defiance
Oskee wow-wow!
Amid the broad green plains that nourish our land,
For honest Labor and for Learning we stand,
And unto thee we pledge our heart and hand,
Dear Alma Mater Illinois.
"Oskee Wow Wow"
Old Princeton yells her Tiger,
Wisconsin her Varsity,
And they give the same old RAH! RAH! RAH!
For each university,
But the yell that always thrills me,
And fills my heart with joy,
Is the good old Oskee-wow-wow
That they yell at Illinois.
Oskee-wow-wow Illinois!
Our eyes are all on you.
Oskee-wow-wow Illinois!
Wave your Orange and your Blue, RAH! RAH!
As the team trots out before you,
Every man stand up and yell,
Back the team to gain a victory,
Oskee-wow-wow Illinois! HEY!
Teddy Roosevelt may be famous,
And his name you often hear,
But it's heroes on the football field
Each college man holds dear.
We think with pride of Roberts,
Artie Hall and Heavy, too.
Oskee-wow-wow for the wearers
Of the Orange and the Blue!
(Repeat Chorus)
Illinois State
Go you Redbirds onto battle, fight for ISU.
Raise the banner, Red and White, to this emblem we'll be true.
So let us cheer the Redbirds onto victory.
Every voice proclaim: We've got the fight, We've got the might.
Let's win this game! ISU Go!
Illinois Wesleyan
Hail, Hail the gangs all here,
All out for Wesleyan
So, let's join in a cheer
While we're all gathered here
Cheer for old Wesleyan!
We are ready to fight
For the green and white
Of dear old Wesleyan
For her honor and fame
And her glorious name
We'll stand every loyal fan!
So, let's cheer
Gang's all here,
All out for Wesleyan!
T-I-T...A-N-S...Titans, Titans, you're the best!
Goooooo TITANS!
"Indiana, Our Indiana"
Indiana, our Indiana
Indiana, we're all for you!
We will fight for the cream and crimson
For the glory of old IU
Never daunted, we cannot falter
In the battle, we're tried and true
Indiana, our Indiana,
Indiana we're all for you! I-U!
"Indiana Fight"
Fight for the Cream and Crimson,
Loyal sons of our old I. U.
Fight for your Alma Mater,
and the school you love so true.
Fight for old Indiana,
See her victories safely through,
For the glory of old I. U.!
Indiana State
"March On!"
March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,
March on, you Statesmen tried and true.
March on! March on, to glorious vic-to-ry.
Raise that flag of Royal Blue!
March on! March on, you fighting Sycamores, Sycamores,
Shout out the vic-t'ry song!
Onward, ever onward to our goal, as you march, on and on!
Indiana University (PA)
Hail, IUP! Give a rousing cheer!
Go, IUP, for victory is near!
Drive, IUP! Push on toward the goal!
Hail, IUP! So onward roll!
"The Iowa Fight Song"
The word is fight, fight, fight for Iowa
Let every loyal Iowan sing
The word is fight, fight, fight for Iowa
Until the walls and rafters ring. (Go Hawks!)
Come on and cheer, cheer, cheer for Iowa
We're gonna cheer until we hear the final gun
The word is fight, fight, fight for Iowa
Until the game is won.
"On Iowa"
On Iowa proudly at the fore
On Iowa on for evermore
Ev'ry loyal son will give
A Rousing toast to you
Ev'ry loyal daughter loves you true
On Iowa with your wealth untold
A heritage to us you did unfold
Love of family, love of friend
Love of country too
Makes us proud for what you stand
Our Dear Old Gold.
Iowa! Iowa!
Iowa! Iowa!
Fight, Iowa, never, never yield
Fight, Iowa, fight right down the field
Get in the game and watch the ball
Be a fighting Man
Hit 'er hard, give Iowa all you can.
Fight, Iowa, you'll be sure to hold
We're with you with the pep
And love of old.
Fight for family, Fight for friend
Fight for country too
But fight hard today and win
For Dear old Gold.
Iowa State
Oh, we will fight, fight, fight for Iowa State
And may her colors ever fly.
Oh, we will fight with might for Iowa State
With the will to do or die!
Rah, Rah, Rah
Loyal sons forever true
And we will fight that battle through.
And when we hit the line we'll hit it hard,
every yard for I-S-U!