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East Carolina
East Central University (OK)
East Stroudsburg
East Tennessee State
Eastern Illinois
Eastern Kentucky
Eastern Michigan (2)
Eastern Washington

East Carolina
"E.C. Victory"
Cheer for East Car'lina,
Cheer for old E.C.,
We know we're the finest,
Onward to victory!
Cheer for East Car'lina,
Cheer on for old E.C.,
Loyal and Bold,
We're the purple and gold,
We are the Pirates of E.C.U.!
East Central University (OK)
"ECU Fight Song"
Fight on East Central,
Fight on for your fame.
Fight on East Central Tigers,
Win this game.
We're cheering for you,
Cheering to the end.
Fight on East Central Tigers,
Win! Win! Win!
East Stroudsburg
"Hail Dear Old Stroudsburg"
Hail, dear old Stroudsburg, we're out to win.
Always victorious, never give in.
We're "champs" and then some, victors o'er all.
C'm, gang, lots of pep
Rah! Rah! Rah!
East Tennessee State
Fight, fight, fight, with all your might,
Vic-to-ry will our slogan be;
Dear Alma Mater, fairest of all
Thy loyal sons will obey thy call to
Fight, fight, fight, with all your might,
Ever the goal to gain,
Into the game for old State's fame,
Fight on to vic-to-ry.
Eastern Illinois
"Eastern Loyalty"
We are loyal E-I-U
We're loyal and true;
Though the odds be great or small,
We'll still be cheering you;
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Fight you Panthers for the glory
Of our dear name;
Fight on for Eastern,
Come on you Panthers, win this game.
Eastern Kentucky
"Hail, Hail, Eastern Maroons!"
Hail, Hail, Eastern Maroons
You're the pride of dear old Alma Mater,
Hail, Hail, Eastern Maroons,
For thee we'll give three rousing cheers,
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Hail, Hail, Eastern Maroons,
Loyal to thee we stand
Ever fight for the right,
We'll make our school the best in the land.
Eastern Michigan
"Go Green"
Go Green, roll up the score
Go Green, let's get some more.
Raise a cheer for old Green and White
Let's show them we came here to fight.
Go Green, vict'ry we'll claim
Go Green, let's win this game.
We'll always fight for old EMU
Come on and let's Go Green!
"Eagles Fight Song"
Eastern Eagles, Hats off to you!
Fight, Fight, Fight for old EMU.
Look to the sky, the Eagles will fly,
The bravest we'll defy!
Rah, Rah, Rah
Hold that line for old Green and White,
Sons and daughters show your might,
So fight, fight for old EMU and victory!
Eastern Washington
"Eagle Fight Song"
Go, Eagles, Go
Put all you have in every play
We'll let you know
That we are with you all way
So then it's fight, Eagles, fight
Show us the fight we'd like to see
Red and White just fight, fight, fight
And Eagles will win the victory!
Lets win this game
Go onward Elon go.
Never to yield
A victory to the foe.
On to the goal
A gain on every play.
Lets fight, fight,
Win this game
The same old way!
"Hail to Evansville"
Evansville, all hail to thee.
True and loyal, we will be,
We'll fight, fight fight
With all our might,
Cheering with pep and vim for
White and purple
And with every victory
Our hearts with praise will fill.
So we'll back you with a Rah! Rah! Rah!
All hail to our Evansville.