I’m not a betting man or anything, but I’d like to see what Vegas makes the over/under on “Number of Joey Episodes until NBC gets desperate and has a Friends cameo”. You could even parlay it with which Friend it would be.
One of the fun things about being a sports fan is getting to wonder things like “Do you suppose a Los Angeles Clipper dancer feels secretly jealous of Laker Girls?” and do members of the Long Beach State baseball team say ‘Where is your honor, Dirtbag?’ to each other all the time?”
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I watch Street Smarts.
If you’ve never played Final Fantasy X, skip this one: blitzball should be made into a game of its own.
I’ve really missed having a bicycle.
So, am I the only one who’s really looking forward to the debut of I Love the ’90’s? I haven’t been this excited about a TV show in a while.
Ricky informed me that this page has more hits than my fight song site over the past few days. Those who come saw a mostly blank front page. I’m not sure what to think of this.
Another sign that Kelly’s part of the family…every time my mom gets elephant stuff for the house, she looks for a gator to complement.
15 years past due: my parents are looking at getting a pool and a hot tub. Where was this during my formative teen years?
I haven’t played golf in so long…I want to use Frankenclub again!