At last, an update! My public demands that I make my presence known on the web again, so here we go.
The last few weeks have mainly been spent catching up on time with Kelly, since she’s about to be taken away from me again. 🙁 We’ve gone home and to Brianna and Mike’s, and this weekend we’re going to her home to celebrate her father’s birthday.
Schoolwise, things are proceeding okay…got a project due on Monday, but no other major news to report. You didn’t really come here to read my thoughts on school, right? You want pithy quotes and updates, dont’cha? Well, give the public what it wants, I suppose.
So, the Body For Life (take 3) thing is going reasonably well for both of us, except that my hamstrings are crying out to me whenever I decide to, I don’t know…move, and Kelly seems to have strained a ligament in her ankle or something. We decided to take the day off, exercise-wise. But I have definitely noticed a difference in the way I look, so that’s promising.
We’ve also played some golf recently. That’s right, kids…Kelly’s playing golf. (She’s on the Dark Side now, Ricky…MU-WAH-HAH-HAH!) She even went and bought some clubs. This weekend will include more golf, as her dad likes to play and Kelly’s buying a round for his present. Speaking of gifts, I received a nice one myself for our 6-month anniversary (yeah, yeah, I know…it’s not really an ANNIVERSARY when it’s only months…but it’s my web page, so nyah nyah)…a pull cart! This allows me to walk the course a lot easier (and it’s pretty nifty; it even came with its own water bottle!). So we tried it out last week, and to our surprise, actually did pretty well. I even made my second birdie of my golf career; updates are on the golf page. I also almost lost my wallet, but that’s another story…
I’ve also spoken for the youth out at FBC Alachua for the first time, and it didn’t seem to go too badly. I only saw someone yawn once. 🙂 It’ll be interesting in the fall, when I just have the high-schoolers to teach. Will I still be able to relate to people 10 years younger than I? Stay tuned…
Okay, so that’s about it. I hope that this satiates everyone’s desire for all things Brandon for a little bit, ’cause I’m going to be away this weekend. But until next time, stay frosty, kids.