Ricky and Brandon’s Day of Fun!

Ricky took the day off today, so I went over to his and Tammy’s apartment today. We ate at Zoe’s Kitchen, a Greek place in Birmingham. I ate there a couple of times when I was working at Stonebridge. It was as good as I remembered. If you ever happen to be near the Galleria, give it a shot. And the pasta salad is the best I’ve ever had.

Afterwards, there was the requisite playing of Playstation. Many foes were vanquished, etc., etc.

Ricky and Tammy had a date tonight (all together now…awwwww…), so I came on back home. It was probably a good thing. I was going on about an hour and a half of sleep. So I basically came home and collapsed for a couple of hours. Then I got up to find that my grandparents had cooked steak. I rewarmed it in the microwave (which I know is a travesty of sorts, but I only used medium-low heat, so it didn’t reach nuked status) . Mm-wah. I ate well today.

4 thoughts on “Ricky and Brandon’s Day of Fun!

  1. Ginny

    I’m glad you had a day of fun, but I’m with Stacy on that one. The “Mm-wah” sounds more like a kiss. Was that what you were going for? Like a chef with an Italian accent…..

  2. Ricky

    Our date went pretty well…we just seemed to “click”, ya know? I think I’m going to ask her out again sometime…the whole night only cost me $20!


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