just like old times

Last night, I went with Ricky and Tammy to the Birmingham Steeldogs game. It was a good enough game, and it actually went into overtime. We lost, but oh well. At least the overtime period somewhat subsidized the $3.25 20-ounce Diet Coke I bought at the game.

Afterward, we all went over to Ricky’s parents’ house, where I got to see Dave and Cammie Eanes, Ricky’s brother and sister-in-law, for the first time since Ricky and Tammy’s wedding. I got to see Jacob again (he’s over a year old now), and their chocolate Lab, Mocha (I’m so jealous; that’s exactly the type of dog that I want one day). We all talked a lot, and played a little impromptu Smush. Good times.

Today, my grandparents returned from a two-week trip west with a couple of friends of theirs. They put about 6500 miles on their friends’ car, going all the way out to California, up the coast to Washington, and then back east again. Once again, something that I want to do one day.

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