Category Archives: laws of graduate school

mid-October notes

  • I am in the process of learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube. I’m now pretty close to being able to solve it no matter what position it starts in.
  • If you didn’t think I was a geek before, that last statement should have cemented my status in your eyes.
  • While I certainly don’t condone the blog entry of Gregg Easterbrook (or as some reading this entry might know him better, TMQ), I’m not completely sure that I agree with ESPN’s reaction, even if his comments were directed at the head man at Disney. Wouldn’t an apology and an on-site rewording have been sufficient? Now, all loyal Page 2 readers lose what’s most likely either their favorite or second-favorite (behind the Sports Guy) columnist in all of Page 2, and I’d be willing to bet that at least half will have no idea why.
  • I think that I picked a pretty good game to go to Tuscaloosa to see Alabama play, given the current circumstances. And it was definitely good to get to see a lot of old faces.
  • German’s Third Law of Graduate School: everyone else’s research always sounds much cooler than your own. Think I’m joking? Others agree…
  • If I had to pick the thing I like the least about being a teacher, I’d have to say it’s recording grades and regrading what seems to be all the time. Sometimes it feels like I’ll never completely catch up.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to look myself in the mirror and realize that I’m over a quarter of a century old. I just got a cold shiver thinking about it.
  • I’m in last place in my fantasy football league. I haven’t had a quarterback break 30 points in a game yet; I’m the only team that’s had this unfortunate turn of events happen to them. And yet, I still plug away, looking for someone on the waiver wire that will turn my season around (right). It’s fun, in a beating-yourself-up kind of way.
  • I will be going to bed in 10 minutes. It’s the earliest I will have been to bed in about a month.