Category Archives: site updates

thoughts move, and image switching

The old thoughts section is being mothballed. I’ve moved most of the old thoughts into the archives section of the blog itself (you’ll find all of the former sections in the category listing of the archives). A couple of thoughts haven’t been moved over yet, because they encompassed multiple pages when originally written, and that’s the way I liked their layout. So I haven’t figured out exactly what to do with them yet. For now, they stay where they are.

Another change that no one should really notice is that for the most part, I’ve switched all of the GIFs on the site to PNG files. I could go into a bunch of rhetoric about how GIFs are copyrighted and so on, but I’ll save you all that. Let’s just put it this way…their file sizes are smaller. Smaller file size = quicker download time. And bandwidth saving for us, although that’s not really a big deal. We’ll never come close to our bandwidth limit. 🙂

movable type-powered at last!

It took the better part of a night and quite a few mistakes along the way to get there, but I think that I’ve got Movable Type working pretty well now.

You might notice that there are a couple of new features on the site with this content management system. The first is the addition of topics to the entries. At the end of every entry, you’ll see the category I chose to put that particular entry into. Clicking that link will take you to all the entries I’ve ever done that fit in that topic. (Needless to say, it wasn’t very much fun going through all the old entries and classifying them, but we care about our readers here at pressing on. 🙂 ) I still haven’t gotten them all exactly where I want them, because I haven’t made all the categories that I think I need. But the ones that I have now will work well enough for the time being. Eventually, I’ll put the category list on the front page for all to use, but I’m just too tired right now. If you’d like to see the ones that I’ve got right now, head over to the archives; a listing is located there.

Another feature is the pop-up window that you’ll get if you click on the comments link for each entry. This is just a quicker way to see the comments of an entry if you’ve already read the entry itself. You can also leave comments that way.

So everyone enjoy…

the great server switch of 2002

It appears that the DNS are propagating pretty quickly; according to our referrer logs, we’re already getting a decent amount of traffic. So things should be just about back to normal within another day or so.

I had to spend a lot of time tonight with greymatter to get all of the pages working (both in design and validity), but I believe that everything’s just about back to normal. Of course, if something doesn’t appear to be working correctly, please let me know.

The next step in all of this will be a switching of content management systems. Greymatter’s served me well, but I think that I’m about to make the leap to Movable Type because it’s got some features that I like that Greymatter doesn’t, such as categories for entries. We’ll play with that eventually. For now, I’m just glad that the site seems to be up and working properly…

version 9!

Welcome to version 9 of pressing on! The major changes are here on the front page, where you’ll see pictures (actual pictures on my site! Who’d have thought?), a changed menubar (both in location and in style) and a new layout.

On other pages, you’ll see that the overall style doesn’t change too much, but the infamous pressing on… logo has been changed just a little bit.

Another nice thing is that the style sheet that I designed for this site should work reasonably well in Netscape 4 as well. It won’t look exactly like IE5+/NN6/Mozilla, but it will look reasonably good.

Also, you’ll see that the theme swapper has been taken off for a little while. It was giving me problems, so I decided to take it out until I could retool it. I’m thinking of having five themes, one for each of the five “homes” represented in the pictures above. For more on the new design, check out the colophon.

In addition, I’ve added a golf section. Right now it doesn’t give anything more than cursory information, but I’m going to add to it eventually.

As always with a new design, I’m bound to have overlooked changes that needed to be done. If you find anything as you look around, please let me know. Thanks!

the holy grail

After stumbling upon a really good article about how to build a 3-column page in CSS that works in most browsers, including Netscape 4, I figured out how to make it work for a two-column layout on this page.

The result is a pretty reasonable facsimile for Netscape 4 viewers to what you’d see in Netscape 6, Mozilla or IE. Basically, the only difference is that you don’t see the background, and the entire page is white, not just the two columns.

This shouldn’t crash Netscape 4. However, I had to make a minor adjustment to the HTML code itself to make it work in Netscape 4, and that just might have messed up old AOL browsers. I have no way of testing that myself…anyone with AOL 6 or prior out there?

weekend update

The Florida State application is all but done. I’ve sent the online parts, and all I have to do now is mail the application identification and my application fee. The Oklahoma application is also going out tomorrow. All I have left is the Texas A&M application, and that one can also be primarily done online.

If that Bama-Florida game didn’t Roll your Tide, I don’t know what would. SEC Champs, baby!

Ran into Scott and Kelley again at church tonight, and went to Chili’s afterwards. Another married couple from their church met us there. In a neat twist, the couple I met spent a few years at OU while the husband got his master’s in music, so it was neat to hear from someone who’d experienced one of the schools that I’m looking at.

Another “Small World” update: Kelley, who went to UNA for a year, knows Tim Kilgore, whom most of my UA friends know at least in passing or as Karey’s brother.

The service was a presentation done by the youth of the church. It was a big youth choir, too; there were at least 100 singers. Made me wish that I’d gotten to do something like that in my time as a youth. Oh well; I got my opportunities at the BCM, I guess…

I was getting a little burned out on the Olympics as a whole toward the end there, but I’ve got to admit that Olympic hockey is much more entertaining to watch than the NHL. Too bad that Team USA lost, but hey, it’s still our first medal in hockey since 1980…

I was working tonight on moving my blog to a new content management system, but I’ve run into a snag that has to be worked on by our host. If and when it’s put into place, this site probably won’t look much different, but hopefully some other areas of 1122 Productions will be, and there will be other ones added as a result of the new CMS.

And now for something completely different

After a few hours of tweaking style sheets and re-tooling Javascripts, there’s a new style. I call it (imaginatively) “Top Menus”. It’s just a way to show how different a page can look and feel, even with the same HTML code.

It’s an experiment more than anything. So it won’t work on the rest of the pages (I didn’t go through and add the link to the style sheet on every other page in the site; make sure to switch to another sheet before you go to a different page in the site). It also might not stay active very long, unless it gets tweaked some more. But it’s a change of pace from all the other themes, so give it a look and tell me what you think.