thoughts move, and image switching

The old thoughts section is being mothballed. I’ve moved most of the old thoughts into the archives section of the blog itself (you’ll find all of the former sections in the category listing of the archives). A couple of thoughts haven’t been moved over yet, because they encompassed multiple pages when originally written, and that’s the way I liked their layout. So I haven’t figured out exactly what to do with them yet. For now, they stay where they are.

Another change that no one should really notice is that for the most part, I’ve switched all of the GIFs on the site to PNG files. I could go into a bunch of rhetoric about how GIFs are copyrighted and so on, but I’ll save you all that. Let’s just put it this way…their file sizes are smaller. Smaller file size = quicker download time. And bandwidth saving for us, although that’s not really a big deal. We’ll never come close to our bandwidth limit. 🙂