movable type-powered at last!

It took the better part of a night and quite a few mistakes along the way to get there, but I think that I’ve got Movable Type working pretty well now.

You might notice that there are a couple of new features on the site with this content management system. The first is the addition of topics to the entries. At the end of every entry, you’ll see the category I chose to put that particular entry into. Clicking that link will take you to all the entries I’ve ever done that fit in that topic. (Needless to say, it wasn’t very much fun going through all the old entries and classifying them, but we care about our readers here at pressing on. 🙂 ) I still haven’t gotten them all exactly where I want them, because I haven’t made all the categories that I think I need. But the ones that I have now will work well enough for the time being. Eventually, I’ll put the category list on the front page for all to use, but I’m just too tired right now. If you’d like to see the ones that I’ve got right now, head over to the archives; a listing is located there.

Another feature is the pop-up window that you’ll get if you click on the comments link for each entry. This is just a quicker way to see the comments of an entry if you’ve already read the entry itself. You can also leave comments that way.

So everyone enjoy…

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