I am from Alabama, after all

I admit it…I’m staying up late tonight to see if it snows.

Snow doesn’t happen often enough here to not be a big deal. I’ve lived in Birmingham over five winters, and I’ve seen snow that accumulated one time. And even that wasn’t all that much.

I guess it’s also the inner child in me. I like seeing it snow; I love seeing the ground covered in white. It’ll be interesting if it does happen, seeing it on my own yard for the first time. I think about Ricky and Tammy’s new baby, about the fact that she might see snow for the first time before she’s two weeks old. Part of me wishes we already had our new dog so we could see it playing in the snow. I hope that there’s enough to make snowballs, so I can have a snowball fight with my wife for the first time (entirely good-natured fighting, of course).

Snow’s more magical for us here in the south. Up north, it’s just another seasonal event. (For what it’s worth, we probably take warm beaches for granted.) And I’m glad that I’m not so grown up that the part of me that wants to see the magic happen as soon as I can can still convince the tired man who worked hard all week to stay up, just in case crystalline ice flakes fall from the sky.

And given that, even if it doesn’t snow, I think it’s time well spent.