1/2 month – resolutions?

Okay, so now the real entry for today. We were watching Throwdown with Bobby Flay earlier, so I couldn’t get my thoughts in order, but Kelly’s gone to bed now so I can write some.

I don’t remember the statistic, but I remember reading somewhere that most New Year’s resolutions are broken before January ends. So every once in a while, I will try to check in with my overall progress on mine that I mentioned previously. Since we’re now halfway through January, why not now?

  1. Post at least once every day. Yep. You’re reading the proof.
  2. Lose weight. I haven’t weighed myself during the course of this month (for that matter, I didn’t weigh myself on December 31, either, so I don’t really know what my starting weight was). I haven’t done a great job here – haven’t really changed anything about my eating habits or my exercise. My clothes don’t feel looser or anything. I’d guess I’m about where I was at the start of the year.
  3. Read my Bible every day. Yes! I’ve read at least a chapter every day. I’m ashamed to admit this, but it’s the longest consecutive stretch of days that I’ve read my Bible in quite a while. We’re currently doing a church-wide Bible reading on Jesus where we read through three of the Gospels one chapter a day until Easter. I’ve used that as my guide.
  4. Better neatness around the house and yard. I’ve been better, but not what I really want to get to. For example, I’m still not the best at cleaning up dishes every night, so they’ll still pile up. (Ricky, I’m sure that you’re nodding your head in remembrance right now.) But I am getting better at it (in fact, I cleaned the kitchen tonight while Kelly made dinner). It’s a little cold for doing much in the yard right now, though.

I mentioned financial goals, but I think for the most part that I’m going to keep those to Kelly and myself. I like the topic of personal finance, and for the most part I’ll talk about it with anyone who will listen, but I don’t think that I’m quite ready to have an open wallet.

So there you go. I’m 2 1/2 for 4. But the year is still young – still room for improvement!