2008 Resolution

Happy New Year!

For those of you who still like to check this page from time to time, and are used to seeing nothing here, here’s a surprise for ya…not nothing!

However, I’d like to take this opportunity to let you know that pressing on… is making a comeback this year. Far too long I have been more of a consumer of the web than a producer. I have many fond memories of working on this website and adding the content that now sits gathering cobwebs in the archives. Hey, even I still go back every now and then and read what my former self wrote. Some of it still cracks me up.

Kelly and I talked about resolutions once before the new year, and I said that I hadn’t really planned on doing any. Well, Sunday at church that changed. The pastor preached an excellent sermon on change, and I was convicted of needing to make a few in my own life. Did God tell me to start up pressing on… again? No, but he did reveal to me that I’ve been pretty lazy about keeping up with people in the past, and this site is a great way that I have had to do so. He also showed me that I don’t take advantage of free time very well. This gets back to being a consumer of the web. It’s really easy in today’s Internet to get lost in countless blogs, Youtube clips, and news aggregators and just keeping taking it all in. It’s really easy to convince myself that my life isn’t really all that special, and who would care to read about it? Both are wrong. The former leads to a glazed-over mind and also invites temptation. The latter both tells God that essentially I’m pointless and denies my friends and family the opportunity to commune with me (in the modern way). I’m just enough of a curmudgeon to not want to join MySpace or Facebook…this is my interface to the Internet world. So I need to take care of it better.

So I’m making a resolution (it’s one of five that I’m making) for this year to include at least one post every day. All 366 days. For days that I know that I will not be able to access the blog, I will inform the general public about it beforehand (so no cheating) and then write my entry down during the day, so that when I can get back online I can add it and back-date it appropriately.

What are the other four resolutions, you might ask? Oh, the usual. Lose weight, read my Bible every day, better organization and tidiness in the house/yard, and some financial goals that I won’t get into here.

All right. One day of 366 done. Now to go erase all the spam that’s appeared on some of my other entries.