Oh happy day…

All of my Christmas shopping is done. My sister and brother-in-law (and their dog) have made it in safe and sound, and while the dog’s incessant yipping will mean little sleep for me tonight, it’s good to see them.

Tonight I went to Chad and Karen’s house for a get-together with some of the young adults in the church. I got to see Michelle Piper, who currently attends grad school at Alabama and goes to the BCM sometimes, as well. I gave my old Rubik’s cube for a white elephant gift (my new one moves more freely, so it’s not a big loss). We had a good time.

Tomorrow night — the Christmas Eve tradition that we’ve had for years. We’ll go over to my aunt’s house, eat, and play games until around midnight, at which point we’ll come back over here and sleep in on Christmas morning (except my sister and/or brother-in-law, due to the aforementioned dog). I have given some thought to going to see the Blue-Gray game since it’s only 30 minutes away, I’ve never gone before, and it’d be one last chance to see some Bama guys play this year. I doubt I’ll end up doing it, but you never know…