stupid, stupid spam

Well, the day finally came.

First, my sincere apologies to all of those who came to the site today and saw a new comment pointing to a web site not endorsed by yours truly. I had to clear my browser’s cache to delete the images; this irritates someone who visits a lot of websites and will have to get all of their associated graphics reloaded.

Furthermore, in getting rid of the offending comment, I somehow lost all of the other comments associated with the entry! Go ahead, try it…it says 9 comments, right now, but if you click on it, you’ll be the first to post a comment. This is infuriating to me.

I can’t stand spam. I have one of the best e-mail spam filters available (and it’s even free) on my main e-mail accounts, and as a result it doesn’t bother me much on that end. But going on my website and spamming it with links to sites of ill repute that I am certain are of no interest to any of my normal visitors really makes me mad. Especially when deleting it inadvertantly takes out multiple good comments. A note to all smut spammers: I have your IP addresses when you post. Consider yourself blocked from now on.
