men’s Bible study commitment

Last night, I signed up for a men’s Bible study every Tuesday night at the BCM. We’re going to be using the book Disciplines of a Godly Man, by R. Kent Hughes. I’ve read the introduction to it already, and it looks like it will be pretty good.

I’m of two minds concerning this study.

One side of me says, “This is a good thing. You’re going to be studying the Word of God more often, and with other men who are seeking His will in their lives as men. You’ll get a good understanding from the book and from their insights as well. Plus, you’ll just plain get to know these guys better.”

The other part of me raises an eyebrow and asks, “Come November, do you really think you’ll have time for this, what with everything else that will be coming down on you? Projects, papers, homework, et cetera?

I’m thinking that this second part of me stems partly from a “still intimidated by the whole Ph.D. program” mentality. And I realize that it will be difficult, but will it be much more so if I use an hour or two each week to read the chapter we’ll be looking at and another hour or two at the actual study? Somehow, I think I’ll be more productive if I do so. And of course, that leads to the other part of me, the soft, flabby Christian who really doesn’t wanna put in any effort to study God’s word if he doesn’t feel compelled to. I can’t stand that part of me. You’d think I wouldn’t listen to it as often as I do.

Well, this time I’m not. Ph.D. program or no, I think that this will be beneficial for me. And so I bought the book and I’m going to do it.