so it all comes down to this

Ever since May 19, 2001, my life had been in somewhat of a suspended state. There have been times that I’ve had the opportunity to move in a certain direction, but for some reason or another, things didn’t move that way.

I interviewed with several companies. Sometimes I got dinged. Sometimes I got called back and offered a position, only to find it already filled later. I even had an offer for what would have been a relatively interesting job that would pay me, someone with no work experience, reasonably well in a tough economy. But I knew that it wasn’t right for me, no matter what the pay.

God started guiding me back to graduate school around late November of last year. He took my eventual goal of becoming a professor and thrust it into center stage, opening doors along the way for the dream to come true. He provided the means for me come to my first choice of graduate schools.

And now the time is almost here. Tomorrow, I have my first day of school in over 15 months. Granted, it’s just one class. But I’ll be officially back. And I know that the upcoming four years (at least) will be memorable for many reasons. I’m looking forward to it. Given the friendships that I’ve already made, I won’t be walking the path alone.

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