favorite villain?

Here’s a question for you all…what’s your favorite villain character from any medium (movie, TV show, even cartoon if you’d like), and why?

There are some relatively obvious choices here, but I’ll go with one that’s just a little unconventional: Warden Norton from The Shawshank Redemption. There’s just something completely sinister about the way he looks at Andy after Andy’s been in “the hole” for a month, and gets that “I hold your life in my hands, and you know it” look in his eyes. “Am I making myself clear? Or am I being obtuse?” Just another reason it’s my favorite movie.

Although I’m really tempted to choose (if only for the name) “The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight” from The Tick.

5 thoughts on “favorite villain?

  1. Ricky

    I think I might have to go with Castor Troy from Face/Off. So many memorable quotes, most of which I can’t repeat here. And what other villain was played by two different people in the same movie? Who could forget “I hate to see you go, but I LOVE to watch you leave”…

  2. Ginny

    Ms. Menchin from “A Little Princess” (the new version). She more or less gets what’s coming to her, but her character has incredible depth and sadness. I love that movie!

  3. C. Wipey

    For me, I don’t think it’s entirely possible to have a favorite villain… isn’t the point of having a villain so that everyone will hate him/her/it? Just wondering. Oh, but if I DID have to choose, it would be Dr. Claw from “Inspector Gadget”. Don’t ask me why…

  4. Stacy

    I’m not sure if you’d really consider him a villain, but my pick is the big fat Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters. Anyone that can make the whole Big Apple all sticky is mean and evil in my book.

  5. Trakx

    Its funny that you should ask that question. I’m glad to see no one used such obvious ones as “Hannibal” or “Darth Vader”. They’re good, don’t get me wrong, but they always seem to be the quick answer. Myself, I would vote for SID 6.7, the virtual villain played by (the then virtual unknown actor) Russell Crowe, in the movie Virtuosity. He is a computer AI program that has within him 183 serial killers, mass murderers, Hitler-types, etc. which emerge through a sort of “multiple personality disorder” depending on what is going on around him – always showing off his worst side. 😉
    The movie itself is all right, but as all agree, he deserved to be in a bigger movie – he is just too great of a villain to have gone to waste like he did.

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