School’s back in session

Most of the people who read this site already know this little bit of information, but I’ll go ahead and say it anyway, because it’s a big step for me.

I’m going back to school.

I’ve always wanted to get a doctorate, and I’ve wanted to be a professor just about as long. I love the idea of learning things and teaching others what I’ve learned as a job description. I love the university atmosphere.

And now is the perfect time to go back to school. Other than taking the final step toward my ultimate career goal, I know how to live like a college student right now, and it’s a much easier transition period for me than it would be if I were to go out into the “real world” for a few years, then come back. I don’t have a family to feed or take care of; it’s just me right now.

So I just got done with sending out a “reverse ding letter” to BellSouth. It felt strange being on this end of it. I’ve already sent e-mails to a few of my former professors asking for times that I can meet with them to talk about being a professor and the process of earning a doctorate. And I’ve already started the information-gathering process about doctoral programs and financial aid.

I’m very excited about this. My goal is to start this upcoming fall. I don’t know where or in what field yet, but the knowledge that I’m taking this step is exhilarating. More on this to come.

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