happy leap day

Today is February 29. Happy Leap Day!

Today is also a really special day. Other than it being February 29 (a once in four years occurrence), it’s February 29 on a year ending in 00 (a once in four hundred years occurrence). Plus, it’s a special day for me…today is the day that I’ve officially started my training.

Training, you ask? Well, here’s the deal. In the past, I’ve not liked things about myself. I point out my flaws quite often, especially when looking in the mirror (and they’re not always physical ones). I would look at myself and say, “I wish that I didn’t waste time. I wish that I read my Bible more and had a quiet time with God. I wish that I ate healthier and that I worked out every day.” And on, and on…

Then I decided to do something about it.

Thus began the formation of my creed. It’s not posted anywhere on this site, but here’s the gist of it…I want to better myself in these areas:

  • Spiritually
  • Physically
  • Mentally
  • Financially
  • Temporally

So basically, I’m wanting to become closer to God in Bible reading and prayer. I’m wanting to become stronger physically and keep my body healthier by working out and eating better. I’m wanting to expand my horizons and become sharper mentally. I’m trying to spend my money more wisely and make it work for me, instead of me for it. I’m wanting to use my time more efficiently; not to the point where I have everything scheduled and I don’t have any free time or fun, but where I get done what I have to get done without waiting for the last minute before it gets done.

That’s a mouthful.

It’s also a lot to undertake at once. But I’ve started it this morning (it’s about 8:30 a.m. as I write this), and I really am feeling better about myself already. I’ve had a quiet time with God, I’ve worked out (yes, I’m a weakling on the bench press, but that’s okay…it’s going to get better. Plus, my arms and chest are actually sore for the first time since high school!), and I’ve eaten a reasonable amount of cereal for breakfast. (That’s right, mom, I ate a half a bowl. And not half a Jethro-sized bowl, either. 🙂 ) I feel really good. And I’ve got a full hour before class, and I’m ready to face the day!

I know that it’s not always going to be easy to get up three hours before my first class every day so I can go work out, and there will be times that I’m really going to want a burger. But I figure that the end result (a happier me) will be worth sacrificing some of the little things.

It’s Leap Day…and I’m taking a big one with this training regimen.

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