As you surely well know by now, I’ve had a lot of difficulty in the past getting stuff to work in Netscape 4, bless its little heart.
I’ve wanted the site to look decent while moving it forward. I’ve added some relatively advanced CSS stuff (no tables involved in the layout), user-input style sheet and image choices, and I’d really like to add the collapsing menus. And in the meantime, Netscape 4 begs for attention by crashing every time I try to check how the site looks.
So no more.
The content will be there for you guys, but I’m afraid the site will look just about as plain as it can until you get off of the front page. Then it will look decent, but not as good as it could. It’s the only way I can have the page display at all in Netscape 4 consistently. To users of Netscape 6, Mozilla, and IE 5+, the site will look exactly the same.