Not your ordinary Joe

It seems that Joe Burns will be quitting his web site as of the end of this year. Well, big deal, one might say.

It’s just that Joe Burns is the founder of HTML Goodies, which is probably one of the most well-known HTML starter sites on the web. It also has tutorials on many other Web topics. His web site was my second stop in learning how to code HTML (the first was the NCSA HTML Primer at the University of Illinois, which was the guide back in 1996, when I first started). He’s been working on HTML Goodies for eight years, which is pretty much an eternity in Web time. (Actually, it almost spans web time.) Oh, during that time, Dr. Burns has been a professor of communication at two universities.

His site isn’t going anywhere; it will still be there for anyone who’s new to the web, or anyone who forgets what that tag is that sets off a long quote from the rest of the text.

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