It runs on both sides

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Bill Keith. Super-superstitious, and always on the refs’ backs. Not afraid to give anyone his real opinion on the “other team”.

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Eric Sexton. Fired up enough to destroy furniture just thinking about the upcoming game.

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Chris DePew. Probably has the entire history of the Iron Bowl on file in his mind. Not to mention the other thousand or so games his favorite team has played…

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Stephanie Bain. Wouldn’t necessarily know it to look at her outside the stadium, but inside she’s one of the biggest fans at the games, and runs through as much the gamut of emotion as any man. Always on the DB’s backs. 🙂

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Ricky Eanes. Normally pretty quiet while watching the game, but taking it all in. Always ready to dissect the performance afterwards.

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like Curt Martin. Always shows his school colors and has a car horn that plays his fight song. Has serious reservations about stepping into the enemy’s territory, even when his team’s playing there.

Somewhere there is an Auburn fan like me. Knows the stats and the facts and loves all the tradition behind the game. But he’s just as ready for the game to be played on the field as anyone else. More so than most, he’d probably say.

Yes, it runs on both sides. That’s what makes it so great. And come this Saturday, all sorts of fans will stop a state for three and a half hours for a game that most other people don’t understand. Not fully, anyway.

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