This morning I had the weather channel on and I saw where it was only 75 degrees outside. Perfect bike-riding weather, I thought. So I got my helmet and headed out.
The street that my grandparents live on is probably about a mile and a half long. After making my way to the end of it, I had a choice to make. I could turn around and head back, or I could move onward. I chose the latter, and took a left.
Big mistake.
I went down this road, and eventually found myself in a Tour de France situation. Hills behind me, hills before me. Well, hill behind me, hill before me, actually. I had only ascended one hill, and already I was tired. No, more than tired. Light-headed.
And I had already felt the rush of the post-climb coast down the other side, which meant I had to climb it again.
Now, in my defense, this isn’t a small hill. It’s a pretty good climb. But compared to say, the hill that I used to ride up every morning when I went to class from Rose Towers at Alabama, it’s not anything. If Lance Armstrong had been there, he’d probably just have shook his head.
I mustered up whatever stamina I had, and I didn’t have a whole lot, and made my way up to the top of the hill. I got to feel the exhilaration of coasting down the other side of the hill, but I still had to make it back home.
That was a mile and a half that I rode back to my grandparents’ house, but it felt like the entire Tour. By the time that I made it to their backyard, I was spent. I had to lie down for a while. And that’s just not right. Man, I’m not even 24 yet! That’s not supposed to happen! 🙂
So that’s it. I’m tired of not having any energy. It’s time to get in shape again. I won’t be able to ride tomorrow because of the career fair. But if I get a chance, I’ll ride again Thursday. I just won’t take that hill on again. Not yet.