The pre-season installment of UA Football Facts is now up. I’ve also “spruced up” the site; sprucing up implies making a title graphic. Hey, it’s an update!
Aren’t you ready for September 1st and UCLA? I know that I am…I just hope that I still have my tickets!
Roll Tide! I can’t wait! I just want to see us look like a team again. And since, except for the o-line, we didn’t lose a ton of people, and the whole team got a zillion ™ times stronger in the offseason, we’re bound to be better. I don’t mind low expectations. Heck, I almost want the opposing teams to look past us. I’d love for the team to be overlooked as Moorehead slams a few QBs to the ground, Rasheed humbles a few RBs, Millons returns a few kicks, and ?? throws a few deep balls. BRING ON THE BRUINS!
Actually, Zillion is already a registered trademark of the Sega Corporation. Sorry, kiddo.And, oh yeah…ROLL TIDE, BABY!