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1Q. I have a rivalry to contribute. What do I need to do? 1A. Send e-mail to tradition@1122productions.com with the subject of "rivalry submission" with this information:
Please be patient if I don't get to it immediately. I try to update every once in a while, but sometimes I have to resort to updating en masse when I get a block of time. Rest assured that if you send it to me, and it gets to me, that I do read it and will eventually add it! Thanks for your help! 2Q. I've got information about a rivalry that you've already got. What do I need to do? 2A. Send e-mail to tradition@1122productions.com with the subject of "rivalry information" with the information you've got and your name if you want credit for the contribution. 3Q. What are the games that have been played the most often? 3A. Take a look here. |