Category Archives: site updates

Site icon change

Today, I realized a potential flaw in my little pressing on… site icon (the thingy by the address, if you’re using IE4 or greater, or NN6/Mozilla). The abbreviation po…, while applicable to my site as an acronym, also could be construed as something different. So I made a simple change. 🙂 If you’re using IE, you may have to re-bookmark the site to see the new icon. I haven’t checked it with IE.

I know that no one who visits my site uses Mozilla except for me, but Mozilla’s handling of these things is pretty nifty. They pop up immediately, without you having to bookmark the site.

A couple of vents

First off, all pages on pressing on… except one are now compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict. The one that’s not? The Java solitaire page. Why? Because IE 5 doesn’t recognize the <object> tag, and the <applet> tag (which isn’t supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict; you’re supposed to use <object>) is the only other way to embed a Java applet. (To those of you using IE6 – does this page work?)

Also, a new incensed thought is up.

Icons for IE

Okay, I found a shareware icon editor tonight and made the official pressing on… site icon! (They’re called favicons in Internet Explorer, but in Mozilla/Netscape 6, they’re not just for favorites/bookmarks). In IE, you won’t see the icon until you bookmark the site, and even then you’ll have to either reload the page. (Kinda silly, if you ask me, but oh well…) In Mozilla/NN6, you’ll see it right away.