Ricky's Ramblings

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January 20, 2009

Am I Too Apathetic?

(This is not an anti-Obama rant. I am reserving judgment on him and giving him a chance. Granted, I disagree with a lot of what he proposed during his campaign, but we all know that there is always a huge difference between what people have to say to get elected and what they actually do in office. Any Obama-related quips that I make here and in the next few months are targeted toward the hoopla surrounding him and the media's love affair with him, not the man himself.)

Today, there are supposedly 2 million people packed into Washington, DC to watch Obama's inauguration. I cannot think of any place I would less like to be today. It's not because of who is being sworn in, and it's not even completely because I hate crowds that aren't related to a football game.

It's because I can't think of anything that would get me excited enough to take off from work, drive or fly to a place hours away, overpay for a hotel room that was hard to come by to begin with, wake up early, and fight crowds just to stand outside in the cold to see something that I could see for free and better at home on TV.

Seriously, I can't think of anything. There aren't many things I can think of that I would do ONE of those things for, much less all of them for one event. I'll fight crowds at a football game or very occasionally at a concert, and I'll get up early and drive somewhere for a vacation, but that's about it. There is no celebrity I would go out of my way to see. Honestly, if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were pumping gas for charity at the BP station by my house, I wouldn't stop unless I was on E, and I'd probably go to one of the other pumps. There is no "historic event" I can think of that I would go to another city to "be a part of". If the first manned mission to Mars was going to land at the Birmingham Airport for some reason when they returned, I'd probably work from home that day to avoid the traffic. There is no cause I would attend a rally or protest for. There is certainly no one who could be sworn in as president that would make me want to go to DC.

Does that make me apathetic? Do I lack passion?

It's really not that I don't care about anything. I care about a lot of things. I love Jesus, my wife, my daughter, my dog, my family, electronic gadgets, Alabama football, Little Debbies, and roller coasters. Maybe it's just political causes that I can't get excited about. I never have and most likely never will donate any money to any political party, and I can't see myself helping out with the campaign of anyone. I would certainly never waste a vacation day to attend a political rally or hold a protest sign.

I guess if Katelyn became president one day, and they were serving Oatmeal Creme Pies at one of the Inaugural Balls, and afterwards they had an amusement park rented out and I could sit next to Nick Saban on a roller coaster, I'd probably go, but that seems unlikely.

As for today, I guess I just don't get it.