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I noticed something tonight...I just can't quite decide if this is a good thing, or a character flaw of mine.
When I'm eating out, whether I'm ordering from the table at a sit-down restaurant or in a drive-though line, I do everything I can to make my order as simple -- and therefore as difficult to screw up -- as possible. You will hardly ever hear me customizing something that I order...I've stopped asking for "no tomatoes" on my salad or burger, for example.
One possibility is that this is out of the goodness of my heart, and I want to make that person's job as easy as possible for this one customer...goodness knows they deal with plenty of difficult customers. I can easily take the tomatoes off myself, for example, and it just makes life more complicated for both the server/drive through person and the kitchen when you get fancy.
Another possibility is that I've had enough orders screwed up that I just don't want to bother with it. One time at a Mexican restaurant, when Tammy was watching her dairy intake closely, she ordered "two quesadillas with no cheese". She was brought two cheese quesadillas. She tried to explain what she wanted again, and got two beef quesadillas...with cheese on top. I think we finally got it straightened out when we talked to the hostess, who spoke better English than the server.
What made me think about this was my trip to Sonic tonight. I ordered a combo meal, to make things simple, even though I didn't need the drink since I was taking the food back home and have plenty of drinks at home. I realized that I do the same thing all the time...I almost always order combo meals, because it's simpler. I guess there is a third possibility that I'm just lazy.