Tuesday, February 02, 2010

13 Week Ultrasound Pictures

These are zoomed in pictures, but it's amazing how much difference a month can make.  We are still too early to find out the sex of the baby, but this ultrasound was extra fun because the baby was moving a lot.  At one point you can actually hear the baby flipping around while I was recording the heartbeat.  Such a little miracle!


Look at my little foot

Driving my first car...


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ultrasound Pics

Here are the first ultrasound pics from the newest Baby Eanes, due August 10.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cutest Alabama Cheerleader!

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Love to Swing with Daddy

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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Lake Tansi 2009

In July we took a family trip to my parent's timeshare in Lake Tansi. Katelyn was only 6 months old last year and now a year later there are so many differences. I remember last year we bathed her in the sink and we carried her around in her infant carrier. This year as soon as we got to the place she immediately started exploring and going into the bedroom and shutting the door. It was challenging to unload our stuff with her underfoot, but so fun to see her explore. Big differences!

We all traveled to Lake Tansi on Sunday after my cousin's wedding and then we went to brunch at at restaurant literally across the parking lot from the timeshare. That afternoon we walked down to the lake and I got some great pictures of the beautiful lily pads in bloom.

Lake Tansi is one of my favorite places because of all the great birding opportunities. American Black Ducks on the lake, Canadian Geese and Red-Headed Woodpeckers are everywhere.

We went to Cumberland State Park on Monday. It is great place for picnics and hiking. We fed the geese and ducks and I got to see my Belted Kingfishers again and a Green Heron. I know no one else cares about this, but this is big passion of mine, especially photographing them. There is a beautiful bridge at the state park that we got pictures of. We found a good picnic spot next to the water and the geese and ducks from earlier found us and came waddling up. Katelyn really enjoyed playing on the playground at the park. Monday night we ate at my favorite rib place, the Beef & Barrel. Yum Yum!

On Tuesday we went to the "beach." It is really the lake with some kind of material that resembles sand. It was fun to lay out and watch Katelyn wade in the water with her Pop & Gammy. She was so excited that she could walk in the water. She has figured out that she can leave her tent now so next year should be interesting.

Lake Tansi has a lot to offer for recreation. Ricky and I hit the tennis balls around and you can paddle boat and play miniature golf. Every time we passed the swings Katelyn wanted to go on them.

We had a great trip with my parents and are looking forward to doing it again next year.

Click on the picture below to see the gallery.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Splishin' and a Splashin'

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

18 Months!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

New Assistant

They finally hired me an assistant at work, and boy is she cute!



Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Katelyn at the Beach

We had a fantastic beach trip with the fam. We arrived on Saturday, ate lunch at Buster's and then hit the outlet malls. Katelyn did pretty good in the car until it got really hot and she needed a nap. She was pretty fussy for the 15-20 minute drive to the beach house. After her nap we went to take our first look at the beach for 2009. We didn't bother to put swimsuits on because it was late in the afternoon. We just spread the neat sheet out and let Katelyn play in the sand. She absolutely loved it and she and Mommy and Daddy were covered in sand by the time we left. She got rather used to being hosed down everyday.

Katelyn really enjoyed going out to the beach each morning and then playing in the pool everyday. She would say "beach" or "pool" depending on which we were going to. She was content to sit under the canopy and play in the sand with her cousins or to go out in the water with her Daddy or Mommy or one of her fun uncles. She had a great time jumping the waves and letting the water rush over her feet. This is a big change from last year when she cried every time the water came near her. She also liked to hold our hands and walk on the sand. There was one morning that apparently she wanted to go the pool and not the beach, and she was very unhappy to be out there.

She ate pretty well during the week. She even tried some grilled grouper and really liked it. We are trying to teach her about using her inside voice because she can get really loud at mealtimes especially while waiting for our food at restaurants. Katelyn's Aunt Laura and I took Judson and Katelyn down to Seaside one day to try out the story time. They got to ride in a little attached car behind the bike. They really enjoyed the bike ride.

Katelyn said just about everyone's name during the week. She even said Gandmama a couple of times. She loved to say her uncles' names over and over. It was pretty funny! She was highly entertained all week by her family, especially all of her cousins. We left on Saturday to drive home and it took us 8 hours to get home because of at least 3 detours. To say the least Katelyn had a hard time. She clapped her hands when we stopped for lunch probably because she was so happy to be out of the car and she was hungry : ) It was a long ride home. We had a wonderful trip and can't wait till next year!

Click on the thumbnail below to see the gallery!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Much Fun!

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

We had a wonderful, relaxing Memorial Day. Katelyn's Grandmama came over and ate yummy hamburgers with us and then Katelyn entertained us while she enjoyed her swing and we blew bubbles with her new bubble gun. A really great day!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weekend At Pop & Grammy's

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Tub Fun

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pink Smocked Dress

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playday At The Birmingham Zoo

This is just the beginning of zoo pictures on Katelyn's website. We have a zoo membership so we plan to go a lot. On Friday we went with some of our playgroup friends to the zoo. It was insanely crowded. Katelyn is really starting to look and point at the animals. We even splashed around in the fountains in the children's area. I will bring a swimsuit for her next time. We both got pretty wet. I am excited for the time she can actually run through the fountains. I know it is coming soon!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

A-Day Game Fun

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

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Love Dad's expression in this one.

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Family Pic

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Uncle Stew, Mommy & Katelyn

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Grammy, Poppy & Katelyn


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My Pretty Dress

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Easter Egg Hunt

We started Saturday morning off early with Breakfast with the Birds and a birdwalk at the zoo. Katelyn had fun strolling around and talking to everyone. She was not very interested in the birds, but then neither was her Daddy : ) We also went to the Dawson Easter Egg hunt. Katelyn is not quite ready to hunt eggs, but we got some cute pictures of her with her two eggs. She would not crawl on the grass at all. Not a big fan. I think next year she will have a lot of fun. It was a great Saturday!

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This egg tastes like plastic.

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Clap, Clap, Clap your eggs....

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This egg needs to go with all of those over there, but I am prissy and I am not crawling on this grass so I will just point.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just A Swinging

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Special Pancakes

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Directing The Choir

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How Big Is Katelyn, So Big!

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Sunny Smile

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Silly Katelyn, That's Your Baby's Bottle!

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Snow Day Compairson

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Snow 2009

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I Can't Move My Arms!

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stylin' And Profilin'

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Sweet Girl

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Piggy Playsuit

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Monday, February 09, 2009

What Is Katelyn Doing Now?

Katelyn is developing such a little personality. She is so friendly and has a great sense of humor. Sometimes she will just look at something and crack up and we're like 'Katelyn share the joke.' We have no idea what she finds so funny, but it makes us laugh anyway. Whenever we laugh at something she imitates us and laughs too. So hysterical!

She is talking up a storm. We don't really understand most of what she says, but it is fun to try and figure it out. She is saying a good handful of words off and on. Here is a list of some of the ones I have recorded so far.

Ma Ma(still not very often)
Da Da
Ba Ba(she uses this one for a lot of things)
Shu - Shoe (she pronounces it with a very hard Shhh sound)
Baby (referring to her baby doll)
Up - Cup
App - apple
Doh - dog

A lot of these words she actually said when we asked her to repeat them. It is so amazing to us when we ask her to say something like 'pear' and she tries to repeat it. She will be talking very soon! She understands a lot more words then she can actually say. We will say Katelyn 'where is your baby' and she goes straight to her baby doll or 'Katelyn give the baby her bottle' and she really tries to put the bottle in her mouth. So smart!

Let's see what else is Katelyn doing? She is cruising up and down the furniture and letting go some so walking is not too far behind. We were completely done with bottles and using only sippy cups now with whole milk, water, and a little juice for snack. She is eating all kinds of things. Some of her favorites are Puffs, Cheerios, any kind of bread or tortillas, pears, mac & cheese, shredded cheese, graham crackers, ritz, and many more.

Katelyn and I are also involved in a music class at church called Baby Songbirds. We have only been a couple of times, but already I can tell she loves it. She gets to click rhythm sticks together and play jingle bells and maracas. She has so much fun!

Katelyn now has 6 teeth. 4 coming in on the top and two very visible ones on the bottom. She likes to cut them two at a time it seems. I always know when she is cutting a tooth because she gets really fussy and she never acts like that normally.

Okay, I think that pretty much catches you up on what going in Katelyn's life right now. Hope you enjoyed the recap. God Bless!

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Katelyn is laying on the floor like a big kid watching one of her favorite shows. How funny! You can really see her dimple in this picture.

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Katelyn Acting Like A Doggy

I don't think she is intentionally pretending to be a dog, but she has seen Angel running around with toys in her mouth so who knows she might be imitating her. I have no idea what goes on in that mind of hers. Wish I could read her mind sometimes : )

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Katelyn Helps Daddy Open Presents

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Fun At Mikato

We went to Mikato to celebrate Ricky's birthday and Katelyn really enjoyed the atmosphere. She got a little tired of sitting in her highchair while we were waiting so we took turns carrying her around the restaurant. She really enjoyed watched the chefs and the fire that literally kept springing up all around us. She scarfed down some fried rice and a little chicken, steak and some zucchini. Yum Yum!

This picture would make more sense if Ricky was the one holding Katelyn since we were celebrating his birthday : )

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Katelyn And Great Grandmommy Play Creepy Mouse

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Muffin Cup Anyone?

Katelyn rediscovered her muffin cups at Grammy and Poppy's house a couple of weeks ago and she still loves them. What a cheap, durable toy! I just bought them because she could chew on them and eventually stack them, but they have coaxed her to creep, crawl and cruise so far. If they work for potty training, I am writing a book about the wonder of these things : )

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Pointing To Birthday Balloons

Katleyn just loves the two birthday balloons we still have floating in the kitchen. She points to them all the time. She even tried to say the word balloon a few times, but anytime we say "Katelyn where are the balloons?" she points right to them. It is so funny. She also looks for them when we are at other people's houses. I think we will have to have a Mylar balloon for every holiday/occasion now : )

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How Many Cheerios Can I Fit In My Mouth At Once?

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My Laptop

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Little Lady

I had to post this picture bigger size because it is so darn cute : ) Katelyn looks like a little priss taking her dolly for a stroll. We are not walking yet, but she does like to push her dolly in the stroller when she is in the right mood. It is great walking practice for her too.

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Fun With New Toys



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sleeping Angel

So we've been playing with the infrared mode of our camera...


Monday, January 12, 2009

Katelyn's First Birthday

We had such a wonderful day for Katelyn's First Birthday party. Everything was so girlie and sweet and all my family was able to come so we had lots of family and friends to help us celebrate this special day. We prayed my grandmother here and God answered our prayers. It was a great day.

Katelyn did really well during the whole party and only got a little tired of the birthday hoopla at the very end. I will post some more great pictures that my dear friends Rachel and Andrea took at her party soon. Here are a few to start with.

Oh and while Andrea kept me occupied outside the house Ricky and crew transformed the 1st birthday decorations into 30th birthday decorations with me none the wiser. I got back to the house and friends and family were all there to surprise me with a 30th birthday party. It was quite a birthday day. We were completely exhausted that night, but it was a good kind of exhaustion : )

We are so blessed!

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Look at those top teeth!


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Our Sweet Katelyn Is One!


Happy First Birthday Katelyn

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pulling Up



Friday, December 26, 2008

Little Doll

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Katelyn's First Christmas

Christmas was extra special this year. It was Katelyn's very first Christmas and we enjoyed watching her experience this wonderful day. She seemed to like her gifts, but really enjoyed playing with the boxes and wrapping paper. I am sure it was all a bit overwhelming to her. She even decided to pull up for the first time on Christmas day and she pulled up on her Mommy. It was so exciting! Although she was sick with a nasty cold she still smiled and smiled. She is such a good baby and rarely lets things get her down. We were amazed at what a trooper she was. She had to feel bad with such a runny nose and cough. I received a DSLR camera for Christmas and had a blast taking pictures of the entire day. I no longer have lens envy : )There are more pictures to come! We had a wonderful day celebrating Jesus' birth and it was very special to share it with our precious little girl. What a blessed Christmas!

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Pulling up on Mommy

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My brother, Ryan, and my cousin, Shanna, and I have taken a picture together for the last several years. This year the picture included the grandchildren and the great-grandchild.

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I am sure Katelyn is thinking "What are you crazy people trying to do to me?"

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008



Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Curl



Katelyn's First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day celebrating with both our families. Katelyn really enjoyed the turkey/dressing, corn casserole, and other new things she sampled. It was quite a feast. We have so many blessings to be thankful for this year, especially our precious little girl! She came along in our lives at just the right time and she has brought joy and comfort to my family as we are missing my granddaddy very much, especially this time of year. I am so thankful he got to know her for even just a short while. God is so good!



Friday, December 12, 2008

More Teeth

Katelyn now has 4 teeth. As you can see it is not easy to get a picture of the top ones.

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Merry Christmas!

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Eleven Months Old

Our eleven month old is a little social butterfly. We go out and she just talks, squeals, laughs, and waves to everyone. It is so cute! She is at turbo speed for her crawling now and has pulled up to standing a few times. She should have that down soon. We love when she says mama and dada. She is also pretty close to saying dog for Angel and she says baa baa for sheep/lamb. There are other words mixed in like 'ba' for ball, but we are not sure what she is saying for most of them. It is fun to try and figure out though. Oh another of her favorites is no no no when she doesn't want something. She is so smart, but of course we are a bit biased : ) She loves her bath and splashes so much water that we are both very wet at the end. Katelyn has also been imitating sounds and facial expressions we make. Now we can say 'blow kisses' or 'wave bye bye' and she does both!

We can't wait to see what she does next!

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It has become very challenging to take pictures of Katelyn these days. She will not sit still so we have to be quick. She also does not like shoes, so as you can see in the pictures she did not leave them on for long.

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Katelyn's Grammy showed her the Jinglebuddies on the tree and now Katelyn loves them. So much in fact that she will take them off the tree. Hopefully we can keep her from doing that : )

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Yes, we do let her play with her shoes in order to get her to sit still.


Friday, December 05, 2008

Big Smiles

Just in case there were any questions about why Katelyn does the big open-mouth-smile thing that everyone seems to think is a yawn:



Wednesday, December 03, 2008



Two things you should know about this picture:
1. Katelyn did the whole crying-so-hard-she-forgot-to-breathe thing as soon as we put her in Santa's lap. Once we realized it wasn't going to happen, they suggested doing it this way. Her mouth-open-smile is due to a light-up spinning toy they had.
2. I had no intention of being in a picture when we left the house to to go the mall.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sweet Little Pumpkin

I actually started this scrapbook page awhile back, but I could never get it quite like I wanted it. Now that I have learned a few tricks it has really come together. I just have to remember to make my digital scrapbook pages the same size. I am still learning. : )


Monday, November 24, 2008

Too Much Fun!



Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love This Picture!

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Monday, November 17, 2008



Here is it is, my first digital scrapbook page! It was really pretty easy and fun to put together. I have Jenny to thank for getting me up and running. Thanks Jenny! I will still post individual pictures of Katelyn, but this is a creative and fun way to put together a collection of pictures.

On this trip to Huntsville we met up with Jenny and her son, Hatcher, and Amanda. This is the first time that Katelyn and Hatcher have been together that they actually acknowledged each other. So fun to watch!

It was the Three Musketeers together again!


Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy Ten Month Birthday Sweet Girl!

Katelyn is learning new things everyday. She is crawling everywhere, eating all kinds of food (even Zoe's), talking up a storm, drinking from sippy cups with only a couple of bottles, and so many more things. She has really latched on to ma ma and has been saying it all day. I love it! It seems she really wants her ma ma when she is fussy. She does not like to try on clothes and we kind of exhausted that one today. She also says no no when she doesn't want something and baba for ball. I can't wait to see what she learns next!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

It's The Great Pumpkin, Katelyn Eanes

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Katelyn's First Halloween

As you can tell from the pictures Katelyn has had a great Halloween. We started the day by joining our friends from playgroup and reverse trick or treating the church staff at Dawson. The kids gave out candy instead of receiving candy. We all had a lot of fun and we managed to actually get all of the kiddies to group together for some pictures. Katelyn is pretty tired of her ladybug costume so I guess these are the last pictures we will see of her in it. But really who can get enough of those sweet cheeks in her adorable ladybug costume.

Happy Halloween!



Katelyn And The Pumpkins

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lunch With Daddy

Katelyn and I met her Daddy for lunch today at Johnny Ray's. All the workers thought our little pumpkin was so cute! Katelyn even tried a little BBQ chicken and some bread which she loved.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Family Fall Festival

Last night we dressed Katelyn up in her ladybug costume and headed over to the Family Fall Festival at Dawson. It is such a fun event. We pretty much just strolled around and chatted with friends and ate a lot of junk food. Who can resist those yummy doughnuts? : ) Katelyn did pretty well for about an hour and then I guess she had enough of the crowds and it was past her bedtime. She did ride her first carousel. It was so cute, she even held on to the bar on the horse while I held on to her. It was hard to take pictures while we were on the carousel so hopefully you can see her a little bit. Everyone thought she was the cutest with those cheeks. She even had her picture made with Lola the ladybug from our VBS week at church. We had a wonderful time and it will be even more fun when Katelyn can play the games and enjoy the treats.

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Adorable Ladybug

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Katelyn the Ladybug and Lola the Ladybug

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Face Off

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Playday At The Great Pumpkin Patch

Today we traveled to The Great Pumpkin Patch in Hayden, AL for playgroup. It rained pretty much the whole way there, but fortunately the rain stopped for us when we arrived. It is a neat place with lots of activities for young and old alike. We took pictures of the kids in their tie-dye pumpkin t-shirts and then went on a hayride to pick pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. I must have looked pretty silly holding Katelyn in one arm and a rather large pumpkin in the other. We purposely picked one with a handle.

After the pumpkin patch we went to McDonald's for lunch. It was a great outing and I think all the kids had a lot of fun. Katelyn will probably appreciate these activities more next year, but we like to expose her to different experiences even at this young age and she really enjoys watching the older kids run around.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did She Just Say Duck?

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So Precious

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Hey, Where Did My Puff Go?

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Visit To Grammy And Poppy's

Katelyn stayed with Grammy and Poppy while Ricky and I took a late anniversary trip to Mobile for a few days last week. It was our first trip without Katelyn. It was especially hard for me because I had never been away from her overnight before. Ricky had already experienced being away from Katelyn. I called a lot and we also did webcam a few times.

We had a wonderful time and it helped us to relax knowing that Katelyn was in good hands. She had a great time and Grammy and Poppy loved every minute. Katelyn played and played and learned how to go from her tummy to sitting up. She went to UAH park and saw the ducks and Grammy said it sounded like she said the word 'duck.' So funny! This visit has started some wonderful grandparent/grandchild memories.

Katelyn just laughed and smiled when we went to pick her up in Cullman on Sunday. We loved it. She just looked at her Daddy and smiled and smiled and then looked at her Mommy and belly laughed over and over again. She is such a joy!

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Family And Friends

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Happy Halloween A Little Early

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Flying With Daddy

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Happy Nine Month Birthday Sweet Girl!

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I have no idea how she ended up in that laundry basket. Silly Katelyn! : )

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Relaxing with a Good Bottle

Tammy never lets me post any pictures anymore (since she has nothing else to do all day [JUST KIDDING!]), so I figured I'd better take advantage of this chance to post a cute one before she does.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Katelyn's First Trip To The Zoo

Our playgroup visited the zoo today. This was Katelyn's first time and she just kind of took everything in. We saw lots of animals, including a new kangaroo exhibit. I think she especially like the monkeys. She did great just sitting in her stroller looking around. I took her out so she could see the zebras and giraffes. She just talked and smiled while we ate lunch over in the children's zoo area. She even said ma ma ma several times. Yipee!

Can you find the brightly colored macaws in this picture?

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Baby giraffe

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Mommy, Katelyn, and a Giraffe


Am I Cute Or What!?

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The Wet Look

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Little Sweetheart

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Working On My Crawling

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Katelyn's Little Teeth

I finally got a picture of Katelyn showing off her two little teeth. I was actually mistaken when I first updated about Katelyn's teeth. She cut her first tooth at 7 months and then a second tooth at 8 months. They were really small and hard to see so I was not really sure how many teeth she had at first. Now we can definitely tell that she has just two. I can really feel them when I put my finger in her mouth and she bites down. Ouch!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big Blue Eyes

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Hey, Who Put That Silly Muffin Cup On My Head?

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It's Froggy Towel Time

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Bouncy, Bouncy

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Hilarious Expression

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Purple Polka Dots

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Katelyn And Mommy

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy, Happy Baby

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This expression captures Katelyn perfectly. She just loves to laugh and squeal. She is so fun!


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Happy Eight Months Katelyn!

Katelyn is now eight months old and she is doing so many new things. She can hold her own bottle when we feed her, she is trying to help us feed her with the spoon and she is really working on her creeping and crawling. She is also finally trying to say ma ma. Yipee! She evened waved bye bye when we had some friends over for the game. Who knows what new things she will do next.

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Little Alabama Cheerleader

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Katelyn wanted to give a shout out to her Grammy on her birthday. We hope you have wonderful birth-day! We Love You!

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Grammy's Birthday Family Get-Together

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Feeding Myself Is Messy Fun

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Roll Tide!

We had a football party for the first Alabama game of the season. Katelyn was very entertained by her cousins and little friends. At one point when I looked over the couch at her she had every toy she owns piled in front of her. What more could a baby want?! It was a lot of fun and of course the game was awesome. Roll Tide!!

Katelyn looked so cute in her first Alabama t-shirt. We are starting her off right : )

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Tiny Bow

Katelyn almost has enough hair for her little bows. I am so excited since she has one in every color. I was able to clip this one to a few tiny strands of hair. Love it!

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