Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playday At The Birmingham Zoo

This is just the beginning of zoo pictures on Katelyn's website. We have a zoo membership so we plan to go a lot. On Friday we went with some of our playgroup friends to the zoo. It was insanely crowded. Katelyn is really starting to look and point at the animals. We even splashed around in the fountains in the children's area. I will bring a swimsuit for her next time. We both got pretty wet. I am excited for the time she can actually run through the fountains. I know it is coming soon!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

A-Day Game Fun

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

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Love Dad's expression in this one.

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Family Pic

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Uncle Stew, Mommy & Katelyn

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Grammy, Poppy & Katelyn


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My Pretty Dress

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Easter Egg Hunt

We started Saturday morning off early with Breakfast with the Birds and a birdwalk at the zoo. Katelyn had fun strolling around and talking to everyone. She was not very interested in the birds, but then neither was her Daddy : ) We also went to the Dawson Easter Egg hunt. Katelyn is not quite ready to hunt eggs, but we got some cute pictures of her with her two eggs. She would not crawl on the grass at all. Not a big fan. I think next year she will have a lot of fun. It was a great Saturday!

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This egg tastes like plastic.

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Clap, Clap, Clap your eggs....

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This egg needs to go with all of those over there, but I am prissy and I am not crawling on this grass so I will just point.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Toothbrush or Hairbrush?
