Saturday, September 05, 2009

Lake Tansi 2009

In July we took a family trip to my parent's timeshare in Lake Tansi. Katelyn was only 6 months old last year and now a year later there are so many differences. I remember last year we bathed her in the sink and we carried her around in her infant carrier. This year as soon as we got to the place she immediately started exploring and going into the bedroom and shutting the door. It was challenging to unload our stuff with her underfoot, but so fun to see her explore. Big differences!

We all traveled to Lake Tansi on Sunday after my cousin's wedding and then we went to brunch at at restaurant literally across the parking lot from the timeshare. That afternoon we walked down to the lake and I got some great pictures of the beautiful lily pads in bloom.

Lake Tansi is one of my favorite places because of all the great birding opportunities. American Black Ducks on the lake, Canadian Geese and Red-Headed Woodpeckers are everywhere.

We went to Cumberland State Park on Monday. It is great place for picnics and hiking. We fed the geese and ducks and I got to see my Belted Kingfishers again and a Green Heron. I know no one else cares about this, but this is big passion of mine, especially photographing them. There is a beautiful bridge at the state park that we got pictures of. We found a good picnic spot next to the water and the geese and ducks from earlier found us and came waddling up. Katelyn really enjoyed playing on the playground at the park. Monday night we ate at my favorite rib place, the Beef & Barrel. Yum Yum!

On Tuesday we went to the "beach." It is really the lake with some kind of material that resembles sand. It was fun to lay out and watch Katelyn wade in the water with her Pop & Gammy. She was so excited that she could walk in the water. She has figured out that she can leave her tent now so next year should be interesting.

Lake Tansi has a lot to offer for recreation. Ricky and I hit the tennis balls around and you can paddle boat and play miniature golf. Every time we passed the swings Katelyn wanted to go on them.

We had a great trip with my parents and are looking forward to doing it again next year.

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