Friday, October 31, 2008

It's The Great Pumpkin, Katelyn Eanes

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Katelyn's First Halloween

As you can tell from the pictures Katelyn has had a great Halloween. We started the day by joining our friends from playgroup and reverse trick or treating the church staff at Dawson. The kids gave out candy instead of receiving candy. We all had a lot of fun and we managed to actually get all of the kiddies to group together for some pictures. Katelyn is pretty tired of her ladybug costume so I guess these are the last pictures we will see of her in it. But really who can get enough of those sweet cheeks in her adorable ladybug costume.

Happy Halloween!



Katelyn And The Pumpkins

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lunch With Daddy

Katelyn and I met her Daddy for lunch today at Johnny Ray's. All the workers thought our little pumpkin was so cute! Katelyn even tried a little BBQ chicken and some bread which she loved.

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On The Move

Over the last month or so Katelyn has gone from scooting and sliding to get to want she wants to actually crawling. Here is a video of each step of the exciting journey to crawling. Our lives have changed once again now that Katelyn is on the move. My day just got a whole lot more interesting!


Melts My Heart

So indulge me for a moment because I have to write about the sweetest and funniest thing that Katelyn just did. She seemed tired so I laid her down for her afternoon nap a little early. I rocked her while singing our nap song and placed her in the crib. I blew her a kiss as I was going out of the room and she seemed fine. Well about 10 minutes goes by and I had not heard anything so I figured she was asleep. Then suddenly she starts crying a bit. It was not much so I just listened to see if she would settle back down. She was still crying some so I went upstairs to check on her. I could not resist picking her up. So I sat in the glider with her and she laid her head on my shoulder and we rocked. I love when she snuggles, it just melts my heart.

I figured she had fallen asleep so I just kept rocking. After a little bit she raised her head off my shoulder and just looked up at me with those big blue eyes and her mouth wide open. Then she laid her head back down and did it over and over again. Every time she looked at me with that expression I did it back and she just laughed and laughed. Apparently she just wanted Mommy to come and play with her. She was not at all interested in sleeping. It was such a fun and tender moment. I love her so much!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Family Fall Festival

Last night we dressed Katelyn up in her ladybug costume and headed over to the Family Fall Festival at Dawson. It is such a fun event. We pretty much just strolled around and chatted with friends and ate a lot of junk food. Who can resist those yummy doughnuts? : ) Katelyn did pretty well for about an hour and then I guess she had enough of the crowds and it was past her bedtime. She did ride her first carousel. It was so cute, she even held on to the bar on the horse while I held on to her. It was hard to take pictures while we were on the carousel so hopefully you can see her a little bit. Everyone thought she was the cutest with those cheeks. She even had her picture made with Lola the ladybug from our VBS week at church. We had a wonderful time and it will be even more fun when Katelyn can play the games and enjoy the treats.

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Adorable Ladybug

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Katelyn the Ladybug and Lola the Ladybug

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Face Off

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Flannel Quest 2008

The 10th Annual Flannel Quest was the first which required us to find a baby sitter. As per tradition, we ate supper at Johnny Rockets (Tammy was excited to be able to eat whatever she wanted this year...last year she couldn't because of her gestational diabetes) and then headed to the thrift store. A good time was had by all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Playday At The Great Pumpkin Patch

Today we traveled to The Great Pumpkin Patch in Hayden, AL for playgroup. It rained pretty much the whole way there, but fortunately the rain stopped for us when we arrived. It is a neat place with lots of activities for young and old alike. We took pictures of the kids in their tie-dye pumpkin t-shirts and then went on a hayride to pick pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. I must have looked pretty silly holding Katelyn in one arm and a rather large pumpkin in the other. We purposely picked one with a handle.

After the pumpkin patch we went to McDonald's for lunch. It was a great outing and I think all the kids had a lot of fun. Katelyn will probably appreciate these activities more next year, but we like to expose her to different experiences even at this young age and she really enjoys watching the older kids run around.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did She Just Say Duck?

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So Precious

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Hey, Where Did My Puff Go?

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Mobile Trip

We took a long weekend trip to Mobile. Katelyn stayed with Tammy's parents (you can read about her adventures here).



Visit To Grammy And Poppy's

Katelyn stayed with Grammy and Poppy while Ricky and I took a late anniversary trip to Mobile for a few days last week. It was our first trip without Katelyn. It was especially hard for me because I had never been away from her overnight before. Ricky had already experienced being away from Katelyn. I called a lot and we also did webcam a few times.

We had a wonderful time and it helped us to relax knowing that Katelyn was in good hands. She had a great time and Grammy and Poppy loved every minute. Katelyn played and played and learned how to go from her tummy to sitting up. She went to UAH park and saw the ducks and Grammy said it sounded like she said the word 'duck.' So funny! This visit has started some wonderful grandparent/grandchild memories.

Katelyn just laughed and smiled when we went to pick her up in Cullman on Sunday. We loved it. She just looked at her Daddy and smiled and smiled and then looked at her Mommy and belly laughed over and over again. She is such a joy!

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Family And Friends

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Happy Halloween A Little Early

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Flying With Daddy

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Happy Nine Month Birthday Sweet Girl!

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I have no idea how she ended up in that laundry basket. Silly Katelyn! : )

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Relaxing with a Good Bottle

Tammy never lets me post any pictures anymore (since she has nothing else to do all day [JUST KIDDING!]), so I figured I'd better take advantage of this chance to post a cute one before she does.


Bama-Kentucky Game

We went to the Alabama-Kentucky game with Brandon and Kelly. We sat in the fancy new upper deck, which I must admit is really nice but I don't particularly like paying for it with $6 cokes.

a cool timekiller

This will either make you feel really dumb or marginally not-dumb. I won't go in to how many tries it took me to win the first time, but it's pretty easy now.

Clik here to play.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Katelyn's First Trip To The Zoo

Our playgroup visited the zoo today. This was Katelyn's first time and she just kind of took everything in. We saw lots of animals, including a new kangaroo exhibit. I think she especially like the monkeys. She did great just sitting in her stroller looking around. I took her out so she could see the zebras and giraffes. She just talked and smiled while we ate lunch over in the children's zoo area. She even said ma ma ma several times. Yipee!

Can you find the brightly colored macaws in this picture?

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Baby giraffe

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Mommy, Katelyn, and a Giraffe


Am I Cute Or What!?

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The Wet Look

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Little Sweetheart

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Working On My Crawling

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funny quote

Even if I'm the only one who thinks it's funny, I like this quote. It may help you understand what I do for a living.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled
