Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweet In Pink

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Monday, July 28, 2008

7th Anniversary

For our 7th anniversary, we ate dinner at Fleming's Steakhouse. After eating way too much food (you can see the remains of our dessert sampler in the picture), we went to Star Lake. Many thanks go to Ricky's mom for keeping Katelyn.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lake Tansi Trip

This past weekend we joined my parents at their timeshare in Lake Tansi. We had a great time and they really enjoyed spending time with Katelyn and us too. I know it's all about the grandchild now : ) It was like a mini vacation. It is a really beautiful area and while Mom and Dad watched Katelyn, Ricky and I explored the area. I even got to do some serious birdwatching; one of my favorite hobbies.

There was one especially funny moment where we all got tickled at Katelyn. She was totally enamored with the tablecloth at lunch one day. It was at her level and she just laughed and cooed and squealed all the while playing with it and trying to put it in her mouth. The simplest things make her laugh. We love it!

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Since we did not have room for Katelyn's bathtub, we had to improvise. I think Katelyn enjoyed her sink bath. In fact she actually had two baths that day. Silly Mommy wanted to wash all the lake water and sunscreen off of her before bed.

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Katelyn was pretty happy as she was floating in the lake by the beach, until the waves from the passing boats got a little too rough. She did not like have the water splashed all over her and in her face. Not too happy when that happened. This picture was obviously taken before the waves came.

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It had already been a long day when we decided to try Katelyn in the swing. She was not too enthusiastic about it. I think the swing was a bit too big for her.

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Katelyn reminds us a lot of a little bird when she is eating. As soon as she sees the spoon she opens her mouth wide, just like a baby bird does.

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It was fun to see Mom & Dad (Grammy & Poppy) playing with Katelyn. It had been a few weeks since they had seen her and Mom was just so excited about all the new things she is doing. I love watching my parents with Katelyn, but it is especially fun to watch Dad and Katelyn. I can see all the things he must have done with me when I was a baby. It is a neat glimpse into the past. He really loved her razzing sound that she makes all the time. It is pretty funny. They thoroughly enjoyed all the time they had to spend with Katelyn.

Here they are sporting their Grammy and Poppy attire.

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We had a great time and plan to do it again next year. Thanks Mom and Dad (Grammy and Poppy)!

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lake Tansi

We spent the weekend at Lake Tansi, Tennessee with Tammy's parents. There are a bunch of other pictures from the trip on Katelyn's page.

Silly Bathtime

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Classic Katelyn Pose

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Sippy Cup Fun

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I gave Katelyn the sippy cup on the bumbo tray and she picked it right up with both hands and put it to her mouth. She is so smart. : )


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Shanna!

Today is my cousin's birthday so I am posting a Shout Out to wish her a Happy Birthday! Love you Shanna!



Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Cute Pictures And First Sounds

I just want to give a shout out to Katelyn's wonderful Daddy and my fantastic husband. He is so wonderful with Katelyn. He does it all. Diaper changes, bottles, snuggles, playtime, silly songs, stories...

We Love You!!!!!!!!

For a few weeks now I have been trying to get Katelyn to say Ma Ma and Ricky of course has been trying to get her to say Da Da well Daddy won out this time. Katelyn said Da Da today pretty clearly and repeated it over and over again. Ricky was beaming : ) Of course he said Katelyn said Hi Da Da, but I'm not sure about that : ) I guess these are really just sounds she is making, but they sound just like she is saying da da da da. She started with day day day and then it evolved into da da. It is so exciting to hear her babbling.

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Katelyn in her umbrella stroller


Veggie Fun

Katelyn is really enjoying the journey into vegetables. She has liked all of them so far. I think she may have a bit of sensitivity to squash so we will try that one again later on. She even loved the peas. I couldn't believe it. She is such a good eater. Next we try fruits.

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Mmmmmmmmmm Peas!

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Sweet potato mustache and beard


Look How Much Katelyn Has Changed!



Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Six Month Birthday Katelyn!

Beautiful, precious Katelyn, our love for you began when we found out that you were growing in my tummy and ever since we first laid eyes on you on January 7, you have completely stolen our hearts. You are such a blessing baby girl, and we love watching you grow and learn everyday. Your sweet smiles light up the room and our hearts. Happy 1/2 Birthday sweet girl!

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Check out those cheeks!

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Sweet six month old baby

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Katelyn can sit up very well supported and she is now starting to 'tripod' or catch herself on her hands for a few seconds at a time unsupported

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She loves to play with her rings and can pass them from one hand to the other


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bumbo Time

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Fourth of July

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Katelyn sporting her "Red, White, and Cute" shirt


Katelyn Laughs Part II

Apparently Katelyn thinks her Mommy is very funny. Here I am saying "Ah Boo" to Katelyn and she just laughs and laughs. Her sweet laughter is contagious. You can't help but laugh with her.
