Monday, June 23, 2008

Beach Trip

This past week we went to the beach with Ricky's family. We make this trip every year and this was Katelyn's very first one. I was nervous about keeping her out of the sun, but we had several tents and a canopy so we were good. Katelyn did fantastic all week. She even took at least one of her naps per day out on the beach. The surf just lulled her right to sleep which was great for us because we got in some good beach time. We just put the neat sheet under the canopy in the shade and she would play for awhile and then snooze away. She liked to flirt with the tent bag that was blowing in the breeze. It was a bit more challenging on the uneven sand, but she figured out how to roll to her stomach out on the beach. There were always plenty of people to keep an eye on her so we were able to play in the water, etc. We were glad that we had a least one beach trip with Katelyn being non-mobile. Next year will be a whole different story.

Katelyn has so many people to pay attention to her that I don't know what she is going to do when she has just her Mommy and Daddy to look at. She loved being entertained by her aunts, uncles, cousins and of course Grandmama.

We had a wonderful trip to the beach!

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Katelyn riding in her seahorse float. She really seemed to like floating around in the pool at the beach house.

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Katelyn's Seahorsey that was mistaken for a dragon

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The Fam

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Relaxed beach baby

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Katelyn really likes to be on her tummy

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Isn't this bikini just too much?!

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Katelyn and her cousin Judson who is 10 months old

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Beach Baby

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Happy Five Month Birthday Katelyn!

Katelyn turned five months old at the beginning of June so I am a little bit behind, but my life has been crazy for the last several weeks. Katelyn is now turning from her back to her stomach and she does it all the time. She hasn't really started rolling yet, but I know it is coming. She is so cute when she is on her tummy. She just grins so big and you can see it in her eyes that she wants to figure out how to move her self forward to get to her toys. She has been swimming her legs and arms on her tummy for awhile now. She will move all around her playmat and can creep forward just a tiny bit. It is exciting that she is moving into this next phase of development. Soon I will be chasing her around all day and our world will change yet again. She can take her time on this one : )

Here are some beautiful pictures of Katelyn that my dad's coworker, Sophia, took of her at their company picnic. She really captured her expressions and poses. Thanks Sophia!

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Katelyn's Dedication

Finally got the video from Katelyn's dedication online...
