Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Fun

Katelyn had a big first Memorial Day. She watched her Mommy and Daddy eat some BBQ and then got to show off her cute flag shirt while we ran some errands. Later that day we enjoyed some pool time at the pool we just became members of. We went late in the day to keep her out of the sun. She also tested out the baby pool briefly (only her bottom half made it in) and seemed to really like it.

On another note, she is starting to sound congested and is coughing. I think we are about to experience our first bout of our little one being under the weather. Hopefully it is just a cold and will go away quickly. She is still very happy even though I know it must be hard for her to breath and sleep.

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Enjoying a little pool time

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Family Fun


Who knew they had dinosaurs at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens? Katelyn and I were just innocently posing for a picture when this giant dinosaur came up behind us. Luckily the dinosaur did not eat us : )

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Katelyn's Latest Feat

Katelyn's been busy this last week...


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Princess Katelyn In Her Throne

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Katelyn seemed to really like her highchair. She looks so small in the giant chair, but it made feeding her the rice cereal so much easier. She can now sit at the table with us while we eat. It gives her a new perspective on the world, and she can see her beloved ceiling fan all at the same time.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Big Girl

Not only did Katelyn start rice cereal this week, but she also rode in the stroller big girl style and is sitting up well in her bumbo seat and propped against the couch. She has dropped her nighttime bottle so we do not wake her up anymore once she goes to bed and she is sleeping without being swaddled. She has accomplished so much in the last couple of weeks. It is amazing!

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Blowing bubbles while riding in the stroller. Making razzing sounds with her mouth and blowing bubbles are her new favorite things to do. She does it all the time.

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Sitting in the bumbo seat

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Sweet dress that Katelyn's Aunt Laura made for her. So adorable.

Katelyn and her Daddy went on a little excursion so that Mommy could have a little "me" time. I watched a movie and relaxed while they went strolling around Lowe's and the grocery store. Apparently Katelyn really liked the frozen food sign at the grocery store. She smiled and flirted with it just like she does with the ceiling fan. She giggled and cooed and told me all about their adventure when she got home. She had a great time!

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Katelyn's Fourth Month CheckUp

Katelyn had her four month checkup a little over a week ago. She weighed 13 lbs and 10 oz and she is 24 1/2 inches long. Those numbers put her in the 50 percentile for both height and weight. She did really great with her shots again. She did not start to cry until after the shots were over and then for just a second. I hope she keeps this up : )


Monday, May 12, 2008

First Rice Cereal

We fed Katelyn her first rice cereal today. She ended up getting more on her mouth and chin than actually in her mouth, but she seemed to like it. It was pretty funny to see her smiling while she was trying to eat the cereal.

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First Mother's Day

Yesterday was a wonderful day. It was my very first Mother's Day. I feel so blessed to be Katelyn's Mommy. She is so precious and I thank God for her everyday. My heart just bursts with love every time I see her or think about her. She is a wonderful gift and as I thank God for her, I am reminded of Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel. She is giving thanks to God for the wonderful blessing of the child he gave her. It is a beautiful image of how wonderful our God is.

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Mommy and her sweet baby girl

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Mommy, Grammy, and Katelyn


Cute Pictues Of Katelyn

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Three Month Photo Shoot

I realize that Katelyn is now 4 months old so these picture are a little late coming to the website. She was actually 3 1/2 months old when we had pictures taken. We ended up having to wait quite awhile at the photography studio before we were called back and Katelyn was a little trooper. She stayed in a good mood the whole time and we got some great pictures of her.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Katelyn Talks

Katelyn tells us all about her dedication. Check out that cute dimple. Just like her Daddy's. She even gives us a 'The End' at the end of her movie.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy Four Month Birthday Katelyn!

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Look at those beautiful blue eyes.

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Her Daddy thinks she has the cutest yawns. I finally got a good picture of one.


Monday, May 05, 2008

Katelyn's Dedication

Week sixteen was a big week for Katelyn. She started laughing out loud and it is so much fun to tickle her and try anything and everything we can think of to make her laugh because it makes us laugh too.

May 4th was Katelyn's dedication. She had a beautiful white dress to wear that a good friend of the family made and added special touches like embroidering her initial inside the heart. She looked so sweet in her dress.

This was such a special time for our family. God gave us such a wonderful blessing in our beautiful little girl and we wanted to give thanks and rejoice in
that blessing by dedicating Katelyn to the Lord. One of the most important jobs we have as her parents is to show her God's love and to bring her up with godly values. As I watched Dr. Fenton dedicate our daughter to the Lord yesterday, I thought to myself, one day I pray she will accept Christ as her personal savior and this is just the beginning of that journey for our sweet Katelyn. God is so good!

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Proud Parents

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Praying over our precious gift from God

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Sweet baby

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All Smiles

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Katelyn loves her Uncle Stew

We took some pictures at the front entrance of our neighborhood. There is a small waterfall and some great trees. It made a nice backdrop for some pictures.

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Katelyn loves her Grammy and Poppy

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Family Pic

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Mommy and Daddy


Newspaper Story

Tammy and I (and pretty much the whole family) were in The Birmingham News on Sunday. The front page of the Lifestyle section had a picture of Tammy and Laura, and then the continuation inside had a picture of the whole family from when Michael and Laura announced their pregnancy. I'll scan in the article from the actual newspaper at some point, but until then, here's the link to the article on al.com.

Also, one of the pictures from the article was on the front page of al.com (it's not anymore). Here's a
PDF of what it looked like
