Monday, April 28, 2008

Katelyn Laughs

Katelyn is talking, smiling, and now laughing a lot. She just makes us laugh so hard when she smiles and laughs at her crib mobile, the ceiling fan, or the silly antics that Mommy and Daddy do to try and make her laugh. She is such a joy!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Katelyn At Fifteen Weeks

Katelyn is surprising us everyday with her new discoveries. She is so much fun. I love to peek into her crib in the morning and see her laying there smiling at me. Her smile just makes my day. When she smiles it just seems to light up her whole face and when she looks at her mommy and smiles so big, it just melts my heart.

Here is a picture taken when Grammy and her friend Jennifer visited us. She always has those grins for everyone. She is a very social baby.

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We also visited Aunt Manda and Katelyn really liked her ceiling fan. Here is another cute smile.

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Aunt Manda holding Katelyn while she looks up at the fan. Katelyn really loves ceiling fans.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Katelyn At Fourteen Weeks

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Favorite Pose

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Strolling Around


Monday, April 21, 2008

photo book

I meant to post this a while can view an online version of the photo book that I made for Tammy for this past Christmas. It covers 2005-2007 (I made one previously that covered up through 2004). Click here to view it.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Flirting With The Fan

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Katelyn is so funny when she looks up at the fan and smiles and laughs. She loves the ceiling fan.


Katelyn And Cuz Anna Leigh

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chillin In My Shades



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Katelyn At Thirteen Weeks

Katelyn is doing new things everyday. It is so fun to watch her discover her world. Our big accomplishment this past week was that Katelyn finally skipped her 2:30/3:00 AM bottle and "slept through the night." We finally have figured out a good system to help Katelyn sleep better and it has worked great for the past week. Hopefully it will continue to work because the extra sleep is great! When I woke up after that first night at 6 something and realized she had slept straight through, I went and quickly checked on her of course, and then I just laid in bed and basked in my seven hours of sleep. I did wake up twice in the night to check on her, but she was sound asleep both times I peeked in. Around this same time we were also transitioning her from our room to the crib and she has done just fantastic. I feel like at 3 months we are finally figuring out her patterns of eating and sleeping. Enjoy the pictures!

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Katelyn is doing better and better with tummy time. She will tolerate it for longer periods now, but sometimes she just wants to take a rest as you can see in the picture.

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I think this is one of Katelyn's favorite poses, with her hands to her mouth.

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Hamming for the camera.


Watch What Katelyn Can Do

Katelyn has done so many new things in the last couple of weeks that I had hours of video to go through to find some good clips to showcase her new found talents. It so amazing to watch her discover something new. Her little brain is developing more and more everyday. I am so enjoying being at home with her and watching her learn and play. Hope you enjoy!


Monday, April 07, 2008

Katelyn Is Three Months Old Today

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It is so hard to believe that our baby girl is already three months old. She is doing new things everyday. It is so fun to be home with her and watch all of her new discoveries.

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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Katelyn At Twelve Weeks

Katelyn has started doing so many new things this week. She is reaching out for toys and playing with her hands a lot. She also makes the cutest sounds when she is talking to herself. I will be posting some video later this week to show you Katelyn's new discoveries.

Here she is in her pink bubble suit with the tiny birthstone/name bracelet that Grammy bought for her at the craft show. It is just so girly!


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Katelyn and Poppy

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This the expression that Katelyn makes when she is talking. She sucks in her bottom lip. It is so funny.

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Katelyn's Great Grandmommy and Great Grandaddy took care of her while we ate at Mikato for my brother's birthday. She had a great time!


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Cutie Patootie

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Katelyn in her darling little capri jeans and pink ribbon belt. What a charmer!
