Thursday, February 28, 2008

Katelyn At Seven Weeks

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Katelyn looked so cute in her too - big - for - her hat I bought her at Baby Gap.
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Baby got back.

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This is Katelyn's froggy outfit with the matching bib. Her feet are actually little frogs.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Katelyn At Six Weeks

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This is the face that Katelyn usually makes when she is asleep in her infant seat. We were strolling around the neighborhood when I snapped this cute pic.
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Katelyn is not quite ready for her bumbo seat, but she is doing a great job holding her head up. We just have to be close by to help her out.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Katelyn's New Discovery

Yesterday morning I hung this little lion wind chime on the side of the bassinet to see what Katelyn would do with it. To my amazement she was looking right at it and then began batting at it with her fist. It was so cute. Another amazing feat for our sweet baby.


New Nursery Pics

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This weekend we finally had the chance to hang up Katelyn's name over the crib.



So we would just like to dispel any rumors that we had twins. We only had one baby I promise : ) Apparently Blue Cross got us mixed up with someone else and thought we had twins. They left a message asking how Katelyn and Gigi were doing. Hilarious!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Katelyn's Sweet Neck

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We just cannot resist kissing her sweet little neck and the back of her head. So precious.


Katelyn's Infant Carrier

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This is actually Ricky's gift, but I wanted to use it during the day to get some things done. Here is Katelyn the first time we put her in the front pack.


Tiny Feet

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The Big Photo Video

I've been planning this for a while, but finally got time to work on it this weekend!

[Note: The original video got kicked off of Google Video because of copyright infringement on the song in the background, and Youtube and Facebook won't let me post it either. The music has been replaced by some generic, legal audio on Youtube. You can download the original video here, but we warned it's pretty big and may take a while to load.]


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Message

Katelyn recorded a Valentine's Day message for everyone...we're just a few days late posting the video. Make sure you turn up your sound.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Katelyn's First Restaurant

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This is Katelyn's first restaurant outing to Nothing But Noodles in Huntsville. As you can tell she really enjoyed the noodles.


Four Generations

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Daddy's Sweet Pea



Sweet Little Girl



Katelyn's Great Grandparents



First Trip to Huntsville

We took our first trip to Huntsville this weekend to see my family. I cannot believe how much stuff you have to pack to travel with a baby. I felt as if we took the whole nursery minus the furniture. My mom had some stuff at her house, but I wanted to make sure we were prepared just in case. We traveled there on Friday night and Katelyn did great. She slept the whole trip. Grammy and Poppy immediately claimed her when we arrived. They had not seen her in about 3 weeks. They took care of her on Friday night so we could get some sleep. It was so nice to get uninterrupted sleep for the first time in a month.

On Saturday I got my hair cut and then we went to my grandparents so they could see their great granddaughter for the first time. It was so wonderful to see grandmommy and granddaddy's faces light up when they saw her. Grandmommy was in her element taking care of Katelyn. I was so glad that they finally had a chance to be with her. My aunts and uncles also came by to see Katelyn for the first time. It was a great day.

On Sunday we took Katelyn to her first official restaurant. McAllister's doesn't really count since we got the food to go. We went to Nothing But Noodles and sat Katelyn's carrier on the table while we ate. It was very noisy in the restaurant, but it did not faze Katelyn one bit. She slept the whole time.

On the way back on Sunday we came to a standstill because of a bad wreck some ways up ahead of us. We had not even made it to 65 yet so we had a long way to go. We ended up turning around and back tracking to take the old highway back to Birmingham. We could not believe it, but Katelyn pretty much slept through it all. She is a great car sleeper, just like her mommy. : )


Friday, February 08, 2008

One Month Checkup

At her one month checkup, everything looked great! Katelyn is 8 lbs 12 oz and 22 1/4 inches long, which means her weight and height percentiles are still 50th and 95th.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Our First Outing

Katelyn went for her 1 month checkup on Friday and everything looked great. She now weighs 8 lbs, 12 oz. and is 22 1/4" long. She is right on track and we don't have to go back for a whole month. Yipee!!

She was very hungry by the time we left the pediatrician's office so we went home and I fed her and then decided to go back out and get myself something to eat. So this is pretty easy to do by going through a drive thru, but I decided to be ambitious and get a taco salad from McAllisters. This required actually going into the restaurant with Katelyn. Ricky told me to not let anyone breathe on her. He's such a great dad : ) Total side note, sorry about that. Anyway I took her pumpkin seat in and stood in line to order. The seat weighs a ton by the way. Then I ordered and realized that I would have to carry her seat and my food and drink back to the car. How was I going to manage all of this? I couldn't leave her and take the food out to the car, and I certainly couldn't put her in the car and then go back for my food. They put my drink in a bag and I tried to carry everything myself, but it was not going to work. Luckily the nice guy who took my order came and gave me a hand by carrying my food out to the car. Well with a little help we made it and I had my taco salad : )


One Month Birthday!

We can't believe Katelyn's already a whole month old! She seemed to be enjoying her photo shoot until...
...she got bored with it.



I can't believe you're taking my picture again!


Our Little Monkey

This is one of Tammy's favorite outfits...


Monday, February 04, 2008

Mommy's Little Cutie

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I was trying to get a picture of Katelyn and me in her "Mommy's little cutie" outfit, but the lettering is so small you can hardly read it. I decided to post it anyway.


Strawberry Shortcake

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Katelyn was channeling her daddy's love for strawberry cake on Sunday when she wore this outfit to help celebrate his birthday.


Sunday, February 03, 2008


Taken 2/1/2008


First Bath Video
