Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun With Family And Almost Crawling

I just realized this morning that it has been six days since Katelyn and I have been by ourselves. Katelyn and I went to Huntsville on Thursday and then Grammy came back with us on Saturday. She just went home yesterday evening.

Katelyn's Great-Grandmommy had a lot of fun playing with her all day on Thursday and Grammy and Poppy got to spend lots of time with her over the last several days. We even saw Uncle Stew and cousin Shanna on this trip.

We went with Grammy to the craft show in Huntsville and then while Mom was here we went to Soho to eat at Zoe's and shop around a bit. Poppy arrived yesterday and it was off to the outlet mall. We have taken Katelyn everywhere in the last few days.

On another note, as of last week Katelyn has pre-crawling mastered. She has been creeping on her stomach for a little while and then last week she figured out how to get her knees under her and push off with her feet. It almost looks like she lunges for want she wants. All she has to do is coordinate everything together and she will be off. It could be any day now. I admit I am a little nervous, but very excited for her to learn this new skill. Our world is about to change once again.

Katelyn has also tried a variety of new foods lately. She has had some green beans, mac & cheese, noodles, watermelon, canteloupe, and even some potato from the inside of a fry. She really liked that. She gets really excited anytime I pull the Gerber puffs out of the pantry. She loves those!

She is growing up so fast!
