Sunday, August 03, 2008

Making New Friends And Sitting Up

Our friends Bobby and Helen brought their little boy Ben over Wed. night. He is older than Katelyn so he was running all over place. We definitely got a crash course in babyproofing that night : ) Katelyn will probably be more excited about her friend Ben the next time we get together. They seemed pretty indifferent to each other, except for the time Katelyn was sitting innocently in her Bumbo Seat and Ben decided he wanted to sit in it too and proceeded to try and sit on top of her. Katelyn was not too happy about that : ) Of course the adults couldn't help but laugh as this all transpired.

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Thursday we visited with one of my best friends from high school, Jenny, and her little boy Hatcher. This was actually the second time that Hatcher and Katelyn had seen each other. The first time was when they were around 3 1/2 to 4 months old. Lots of changes since then. Of course you can never get two babies to smile at the same time, but they look super cute anyway.

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Katelyn must have been so inspired to see Hatcher having fun sitting up by himself, that she decided to sit by herself too. I couldn't believe it. She had been on the verge and then all of sudden she made up her mind and now she can sit by herself. She is still a bit wobbly, but is gaining strength everyday.

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