Monday, May 05, 2008

Katelyn's Dedication

Week sixteen was a big week for Katelyn. She started laughing out loud and it is so much fun to tickle her and try anything and everything we can think of to make her laugh because it makes us laugh too.

May 4th was Katelyn's dedication. She had a beautiful white dress to wear that a good friend of the family made and added special touches like embroidering her initial inside the heart. She looked so sweet in her dress.

This was such a special time for our family. God gave us such a wonderful blessing in our beautiful little girl and we wanted to give thanks and rejoice in
that blessing by dedicating Katelyn to the Lord. One of the most important jobs we have as her parents is to show her God's love and to bring her up with godly values. As I watched Dr. Fenton dedicate our daughter to the Lord yesterday, I thought to myself, one day I pray she will accept Christ as her personal savior and this is just the beginning of that journey for our sweet Katelyn. God is so good!

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Proud Parents

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Praying over our precious gift from God

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Sweet baby

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All Smiles

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Katelyn loves her Uncle Stew

We took some pictures at the front entrance of our neighborhood. There is a small waterfall and some great trees. It made a nice backdrop for some pictures.

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Katelyn loves her Grammy and Poppy

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Family Pic

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Mommy and Daddy
