Sunday, March 30, 2008

Katelyn At Eleven Weeks

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Katelyn had a very eventful week this week. I took my first trip to Huntsville just Katelyn and me. She did really great in the car. Pretty much sleeping the whole way. We stopped once just so Mommy could make sure she was okay. I hate not being able to hear her over the noise of the car.
We met up with my good friend Jenny and her little boy, Hatcher, who is eleven days older then Katelyn. It was so cute to see the babies together and so much fun to hang out with Jenny and talk about our parenting experiences.
Poppy, my dad, and Uncle Stew, my brother, took care of Katelyn on Thursday night when Mom and I went to a Tea Party at the church. Everything went just fine, with the exception of an epic diaper that sent Uncle Stew running from the room : ) Katelyn seems to have a lot of those "epic" diapers, just ask her daddy.
Katelyn also experienced her first craft show, although she slept through the whole thing. A craft show is a bad place for Mommy and Grammy to visit. There were so many cute baby things to buy. How could we resist? It was quite a week!

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Katelyn and Hatcher.
It was hard to get both babies happy at the same time for pictures, but I think we got a few decent shots.

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Mommy and Katelyn ready for the craft show.

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Katelyn on the playmat at Grammy and Poppy's house.
