Tuesday, January 08, 2008

the day after the big day

Continuing the running diary from yesterday....

9:45 AM - Unfortunately, we haven't actually been able to see Katelyn very much so far. Her blood sugar keeps dropping down too low, so she has been put in the NICU. She was in the room with us some overnight, but at some point this morning (I think it was around 4 AM) they said they were going to have to admit her. She's going to be in there for at least a couple of days, but we can go downstairs and visit most any time. Her condition is fairly common when the mom has gestational diabetes. Hopefully she'll get balanced out and everything will be fine.

10:39 PM - Okay, so I didn't have any time for updates today. I spent most of the day giving tours down to visit Katelyn in the NICU for friends and family. Also, the lack of sleep finally caught up to me so I briefly zoned out in the little bit of down time that we had. Everything is fine...Katelyn just had a really long first 24 hours. Her sugar seems to have stabalized now, and they have actually let her leave the NICU and come up to visit us in the room twice.

10:43 PM - I really wish they didn't close the Chik-Fil-A and the Subway at 3 PM.

11:18 PM - The first collection of Katelyn pictures is now online here.
