Monday, January 07, 2008

the big day!

I realize that most likely no one will see this until after Katelyn has arrived, but I thought it'd be fun to keep a running diary as best I can during the day.

9:21 AM - We're coming to you live from Labor and Delivery Room 11 here at Brookwood Medical Center. We got here about 6:15, and got Tammy all settled in. They broke her water and gave her the pitocin a little while later. Then the contractions started. They gave her a mild painkiller that has made her sort of sleepy, which is where we're sitting now. The nurse says so far everything is good!

10:00 AM - They just gave her the epidural, and not being able to feel her legs is a little weird for her right now. She's making great progress still.

10:38 AM - So I wouldn't call it the highlight of the day or anything, but I was very excited that they have Cherry Coke Zero here at the hospital.

12:47 PM - Tammy's sleeping now. She got pretty sick earlier, so they turned off the epidural pump and gave her like five different things to try to make her feel better. All the monitor's show Katelyn doing great. I will now find out how the hospital's Subway compares to a normal one.

1:30 PM - Time to start pushing! If I don't have another update for a while, you'll know why.

3:07 PM - Progress has been made, and Katelyn is now turned the correct way. Tammy was starting to hurt so they turned the epidural back on, and after it kicked in she couldn't feel enough to push very well. We're now taking a 30 minute break from pushing so Tammy won't be worn out. After all, we're not in a huge hurry or anything.

3:09 PM - Not that anyone cares, but I'm doing fine.

10:44 PM - Katelyn was finally born at 7:03 PM. She was 8 lbs 7 oz and is 21 inches long. She's beautiful! Tammy ended up pushing for about four hours (with some breaks in there). Katelyn wasn't cooperating and we almost had to do a C-section, but Tammy was stubborn and determined to deliver her. Lots of pictures and video will soon follow. We're in room 243 at Brookwood for anyone that needs to know.
